Friday, October 20, 2017

Mc 2:18-22 (Daily bread of 20/10/2017)

key verse: 22
The parable of the spouses told by Jesus speaks about the joy of the faith life. Jesus gives to the leaders the parable of the fresh wineskins so that they are renewed and have joy.

1. Our spouse Jesus (18-20)
The very formal religious leaders were impressed by the rigorous life of fasting of John the Baptist and his disciples. There are the people who run above the people who walk, and there are the people who fly above the people who run. They seemed very devout but in reality they were carnal because they justified themselves by rites. But Jesus explains the meaning of fasting, it's an expression of sadness because of Jesus' death. Jesus says to the women to cry not because of him but because of them and their children. The consequence of sin for which Jesus died is grave. We must fast for our sins but thinking about Jesus' death. Now that Jesus is present, they must enjoy his presence. A little anachronistically, after much weeping for Jesus' death for our sins, we constantly have his presence in our lives. Therefore we don't need to fast, except when we are sad about our sins and we have an ardent subject of prayer. 

2. The unshrunk cloth and new skin (21-22)
When a dress is old and torn, we must put a piece of cloth on it, but if the cloth is new it tears from the old dress. So we must put an old cloth on it. The same should be applicable to the old wineskin; it needs old wine. If we pour new wine, it tears the wineskin. Therefore, when the Gospel comes, because it is powerful, with a different paradigm from tradition, it acts to tear the old things. We must contain it in new skin. We must put it on the new dress. The religious leaders were like the old dress and the old wineskin because of their traditions, so the powerful Gospel tore their life and made it lost, becoming for us a stumbling stone. Jesus' gospel is very new and powerful, its demolishes the old way of life and old thoughts. Therefore, before it comes, we must prepare ourselves with a renewal of heart. When the Gospel is properly accepted, it matures and gives a good taste for the others who also will drink of it. 

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