Monday, October 16, 2017

Mark 1:21-39 (daily bread of 16/10/17)

key verse: 25
Capernaum was Jesus' headquarters of his ministry in Galilee. As soon as Jesus was baptized he was faced with evil spirits. Indeed, most of the diseases are caused by the influence of evil spirits.
1. "What have we to do with you ?" (21-27)
Jesus entered the synagogue and taught God's word. His word was very powerful and its impact was considerable. Its authority was unbeatable. The crowd was used to the teaching of scribes who didn't bear Jesus' word which had the true authority. The leaders claimed the recognition of their authority supported by human institutions, but they were powerless. But Jesus' authority had an other source. It came from God himself. John the Baptist also had authority which came from his obedience to God. Jesus' authority was the same source: absolute obedience to God's will. Before the authority of God's word, the demon scrambled. The demon was the first to recongnize Jesus. But Jesus casted it out so that it leaved the man. Our absolute obedience to God's word give us authority over the demon.
2. Jesus had the custom of the morning prayer ? (28-39)
Then, Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law who was sick. When Jesus touched her the fever left her. The demon had seized this woman, but Jesus delivered her. Then, she became a very useful person. In the evening, all kinds of sick flocked around Jesus. So he healed and above all he cast out many demons. The people suffered so much under the domination of the devil. But Jesus delivered all of them. Jesus was very occupied in the evening, but he didn't miss his appointment with God, because it was his source of power. Sometimes, he spent the whole night praying, but his habit was rather the morning, the first hour was for God. At this time, he looked for God's direction for his day. God gave him the direction to move to the next village, contrary to the will of his friends who wanted to enjoy to renown of the world. God's will is to save the souls. 

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