Thursday, October 19, 2017

Mark 2 : 13-17 (Daily Bread of 19/10/2017)


Key verse 2 : 17

The Word this morning follows directly the one from yesterday. The reason that Jesus came was made manifest : it was for the forgiveness of the sins of those who come unto him by faith. In this particular lesson we can see another type of sinner who is desperate need of forgiveness.

1.    Jesus called Levy (13-17)

Matthew's former name was Levy. He was a taxe collector. Tax collectors were people who collected money from their own people in order to enrichen the colonisers. Their fellowmen therefore saw them as national criminels. Even though tax collectors were generally rich, their souls endured rather long periods of suffering. Levy was putting together the money that he was given ; money that he wrongfully gained. He was alone and suffering in his office as no one wanted to come near to him or to make friends with him. However, while passing by Jesus called out to him saying « follow me ». This meant « come learn from me and become my disciple ». Levy saw a of hope and relief from this call. Who could have put any hope in such a man ? Jesus did and Levy left everything behind to follow him.

2.    I came to call the sinners not the just (16-17)

The religious leaders tracked Jesus down and found out that he was going to have dinner with Levy and others in his social class. This class was based on their judgement of who was a sinner or not. Everyone invited, except Jesus, were tax collectors and prostitutes. However, Jesus ate with them happily. He explained his action by saying that his goal was to save humanity. He did not, however, impose himself on them. Rather, he leaves those who think that they need him, accept him into their hearts and houses. Jesus knocks at the door and waits, he who opens up and accepts will eat with him happily. The religious leaders did not accept Jesus because of their high position in the Jewish society. They thought that they were just. However, the sinners acknowledge their status and call on Jesus. He then enters into their lives becoming their Master and Lord. He forgives them their sins as it is for that. reason that he. came

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