Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Mark 4 : 21-25 (Daily Bread of 1/11/2017)

Key Verse 4: 21
The ears are the indispensable organ so that man can discern others. It is by hearing that he understands the mystery of the kingdom of God. But there is physical hearing and there is spiritual hearing.
1. The lamp goes high (21-22)
The lamp is the tool that lights the way for the man. The word is the lamp under our feet, says the psalmist. It is indispensable to light the way and also in this parable the room. But Jesus says where putting the lamp is important. It is not to put under the bushel or under the bed. If they put under the bed, it could burn the bed and the room. So you have to put it outside the bed. We put the lamp on the candlestick, because on the candlestick, the lamp can illuminate the room. Then, the higher the light, the more it can light the room wide. Jesus says verse 22 to explain this parable. The kingdom of God is like the lamp that enlightens everything. People want to hide their shameful acts. But the day comes when everything will be revealed by God. No stain will be hidden from the eyes of God. A great day of judgment comes to him without fail. What to do ? Only the blood of Jesus can erase our stains. If we confess our sins and repent of them, the Gospel of Jesus becomes a lamp and cleanses all our sins.
2. Give more to the one who has (23-25)
Jesus says to be careful what everyone hears. We must have spiritual ears to know how to hear properly. The Holy Spirit waking us, we understand what we hear, because by our own human understanding, we do not understand anything secret of God. Therefore, we must not rush to judge the word of God. But we must seek the help of the Holy Spirit and in prayer, come to understand the mystery of the kingdom of God. The result of this attitude is great. God reveals to humble souls the numerous mysteries of God. But those who have a proud heart do not understand anything even if the same word strikes their eardrum. Hence this exhortation of Jesus to beware for the attitude before the word.

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