Thursday, November 23, 2017

Exodus 1: 1-22 (Daily Bread of 21/11/2017)

Key verse 1:13
Exodus is the second book amongst the First five books in the Bible. Moses was the author of these books. Exodus talks about Israel’s captivity in Egypt and its deliverance. In that way the God of Israel showed himself to be strong and capable to délivrer anyone inspite of whatever human contraptions binds him.
Israel blessed and persecuted (1-7)
Joseph, Jacob’s eleventh son, was sold to the Egyptians as a slave by his jealous brothers. However, thanks to God's providence Joseph became the Prime Minister in Egypt. Due to a serious famine that struck the entire region, save Egypt given Joseph’s economic policy, Jacob (Israel was the second name that God gave him) and his sons came to Egypt. In all there were 70 people who went there. God then blessed Israel and his family so that they may prosper. The Israelites did not stop growing in number so much so that they were more numerous that the grains of sand. Joseph died thereafter. The new Pharaoh did not know Joseph and thus Egypt forgot all of the grace that they had received thanks to him. Inspite of their immense blessing Israel was without a protector. They were defenseless against the dominating people who surrounded them. When God’s blessing grew beyond compare, the once host country became an enemy. The jealous are always around the people of God. Observing the reality of the situation,the Israelites outnumbering the Egyptians, the Pharaoh became afraid and he adopted a policy aimed at oppressing the Israelites. He placed an enslaver over them and he made them do forced work. However, the Bible explains that the more he tried to make them suffer, the more they grew in number. The aversion towards them kept growing.
2. Two women of faith (34-38)
The Pharaoh adopted another measure aimed at controlling the Israeli population. He thus set up two midwives amongst the Israelites so that they may kill the newborn should it be male and let it live should it be female.  Their names were Chipra and Poua. However, they were women of faith who feared God. They violated the evil’s Pharaoh decree and they made all of the newborn live. God gave them a good argument in order to avoid the Pharaoh’s judgement. God protected them and He blessed them and their family. God is faithful to those who obey Him.

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