Thursday, November 23, 2017

Exodus 3: 1-22 (Daily Bread of 23/11/2017)

God appeared to Moses in the burning bush. God’s call is very mysterious. He wanted to save Israel from the Egyptians. For this reason God chose Moses as He wanted to use him. However, Moses was not ready. God had to spend a lot of time on him to convince him of his mission.
Moses saw the burning bush.
Moses took his father-in-law’s sheep and went to the mountain called Horeb. Once there he had an amazing experience as he saw some fire surrounding a bush. However, the bush had not caught a fire and this intrigued Moses to take a closer look. God saw him and called to Côme near to the burning bush. He told him to take off his sandals as where he stood was Holy ground. Moses who was so discouraged by his 40 years  life of sheep rearing did not imagine that he was standing on Holy ground. In fact, God told him to remove his sandals as a sign of respect for that ground which would later be preciously used for the Hebrews. That ground would be where God’s people will cross after the Exodus. They will then be able to give God a proper service. God saw His people’s suffering and He heard their desperate cries, so He decided to save them. 
2. Moses unwilling to accept God's call (11-22)
Moses could not accept this mission because it appeared to be quite difficult. He therefore categorically refused it and he asked God to tell him who he was. He tried to excuse himself before God inspite of God's unavoidable call for him. His question was however very important.God did not tell him His name save that “I am who I am”. God is different from the human figurines and  gods who were made by human hands. God is unique and is the only one truly living God in the Universe. God reigns souverain over everything that is on Earth and in the Heavens. Moses therefore had to explain to the Israelites that the God who sent them was He who had been watching over them for all the time and that He was their God. Therefore, Moses should have been able to go to them fearlessly. However, Moses kept on refusing and he used a number of pretexts to do this. When God calls us and we talk about our incapacities before Him to justify our unwillingness, we sin. God sent Moses invested with His power but he forewarned him that Pharaoh would not listen to him. However, our God is powerful and He will later send many calamities to make Pharaoh listen to Him. Our God is so marvellous that He is able to perfectly free the enslaved. 

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