Monday, November 27, 2017

Exodus 6:2-30 (daily bread of 27/11/17)

Key verse: 13
Moses reinforces his linguist inability. But God answers and urges him to accomplish his life-saving plan to the people. This means that God'will about his calling is irrevocable beyond human inability.
1. I have established my convenant with them (1-9)
God spoken about his name. His name wasn't unknown to the patriarchs. But the full meaning of God's nature had to be revealed to those afflicted and bitter slaves through a powerful and compassionate issue. That aligned with the convenant granted to their fathers but it encountered only blocked ears burdened minds. But God's convenant with his people is unchangeable and permanent. His love is great and unchanged in spite of the overwhelming situation and he will come a day to save his people. God wants to his servants be his Tools through what they have and what they are able to.
2. Moses emboldened (10-30)
Moses enboldened in the task for which he was being called but he always is inclined to decide what God can -or can't- through him. After his failure in front of his own people, how can he impress Pharaoh ? Moses had to know that eloquence can't liberate. It's necessary to have a "celestial delegation" or a mandate which enboldens and eclipses all other service or function (Ac 4:20). God answers to Moses' confession about his lack of word renewing his heavy task. God recognized that his servant's capacity of speaking isn't superior to a normal man, whereas the lips required to this huge task would need anointing of divine mercy and donation of speech assigned by God himself. Even if Moses applies to his lips the concept of circumcision (literally "uncircumcised lips"), he keeps the essential idea of the act f God making of a man his possession. The genealogy is inserted to specify Moses and Aaron's ancestry,

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