Thursday, November 23, 2017

Exodus 2: 1-25 (PQ of 22/11/2017)

Key Verse 1: 5,15
Today's word tells us how Moses, as a Hebrew boy, was saved and how he fled from Egypt. Our God is powerful to save us from all calamity.1. Moses was saved (1-10)Moses was born as a descendant of the house of Levi. His mother saw that the child was beautiful. All children are beautiful in the eyes of parents. But it was beautiful, because it was surely because of the light of God that dwelt in him and emanated from him. It may be because of the parents' faith that they saw him as handsome. By this faith they violated the king's edict and hid their son. When they could no longer hide him, shut him up in the chest and sent it in the middle of the Nile reed. Fortunately, Pharaoh's daughter found him and wisely, Miriam ran to her to introduce her mother. Thus Moses was saved, his name meaning "to be saved from the water" God saves us from the great waters by his mighty hand. Let's wait on him.2. Moses fled the country (11-25)
Moses was educated by his mother until he was weaned. During his life in the palace, Moses did not forget his childhood education and surely Pharaoh's daughter did not want to hide his identity as a Hebrew. Already his name Moses told him his past and identity. One day he went out and came to look at the painful labors of his people. Testifying the unjust abuse, he killed an Egyptian. The next day, when he tried to interfere, no one accepted him. He fled to Midian, for Pharaoh, knowing the matter, wanted to kill him. Arriving at Midian, his courage was brought out and won the favor of Jethro, the priest of Midian. Among Jethro's seven daughters, Sephora became his wife and he had a child from her. He thus remained as a kind of Jethro in the land of the Midianites. The refuge life was monotonous because he was a shepherd of his father-in-law's flocks. His heart would have been in the deep disappointment of himself and of God, for it seems that his zeal as a liberator was mocked. But God wanted to establish a liberator among their people, while the cry of suffering was mounting up to God. God is aware of the suffering of his people. God has chosen a shepherd of no name to fulfill his will.

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