Monday, November 6, 2017

Marc 5:21-43 (Daily bread of 6/11/17)

key verse: 41
Marc describes two episodes which reveal the power of Jesus' healing. 
1. Jesus heals Jairus' daughter (1-24; 35-43)
Jairus was the chief of the synagogue. He waived his ego and his pride and came to Jesus to the healing of his daughter who was dying. Jairus' insistence was very great, so Jesus decided to come with him. After the episode of the sick woman of blood loss, Jesus and his disciples came at home. But the little girl has since died. Jesus didn't consider the report about the little girl's death nor the incredulous words of the people. He entered the room and he says in the Aramaic language "Talitha Koumi". It seemed be an incantation, but it wasn't. It was a word which was come down from heaven to touch the died body of the little girl. She stood and began to walk. Jesus said to give her food. According to Jesus, the little girl simply was sleeping. In Jesus, death is only a sleep. We fall asleep, and after a while we awake. Jesus' word is very powerful, so it even can make the dead rise.
2. Jesus heals a woman sick from blood loss for 12 years (25-34)
On the way to Jairus' house, Jesus and his disciples were stopped by a woman. She suffered because of blood loss for 12 years. She had a problem of shame because this disease was shameful for her. She was considered as impure or cursed by God. So she couldn't boldly come to Jesus like Jairus. She made a detour and touched the edge of Jesus' cloak. But his faith wasn't negligible. When she touched him, Jesus felt a strength come out from himself. Jesus says "a person touched me", his disciples couldn't understand him because of the big crowd. But faith of a person has a great power, it absorbs God's strength, and it's sensitive to God. Therefore we must not say: my little faith is useless. If we have faith we can corner God's power. When her problem was revealed the woman confessed all. But Jesus wanted to heal her problem of shame at the same time as her problem of disease. Jesus said that she was healed by faith and he blessed her. 

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