Friday, June 15, 2018

Luke 8: 26-39 (Daily Bread of 15/6/2018)


Key verse 8: 29

A child came across a cemetery one night.  Suddenly, he saw a demon approaching and he became afraid.  However, when he remembered what his pastor had said, "when you see the devil, sing loud and clear and he will flee. "At first he was paralysed with fear and did not know what to sing. Nevertheless, when he started singing, the demon finally ran away.  You have to know that the devil also has something he's afraid of.  The Word tells us that he is afraid of Jesus and, death.

1.  What do you want from me, Jesus?  (26-30)

When Jesus arrived on the other side of the sea, a man possessed by a demon ran to him and kept howling at him.  He was demon possessed, not by one demon, but by thousands of demons.  He lived among the graves.  He was an urban libertine and his mind was tormented and divided.  Therefore on the one hand he recognized Jesus and wanted to worship him.  However,
on the other hand, he rejected him and was afraid of him and fled. Jesus Almighty God mastered their unhealthy power on this man and drove them out of him.  They were impure spirits who wanted to corrupt souls.  Jesus asked the demon possessed man his name.  He had no name, so, he replied legion, the Roman army.  He had tons of demons.  Recognizing the name of my demons is necessary, after which when we pray Jesus comes to help us.     
2.  They asked him to leave (31-39)

The demons were afraid of Jesus' name. They were also afraid of death.  So they begged Jesus not to destroy them. They begged Jesus to allow them to go into the pigs.  More than 2000 swine that these demons' hos rushed from the escarpment into the water, and all drowned.  The witnesses to this event came to see what had happened.  What was their reaction?  The demoniac was urban, but these people were urbanized by materialism.  They asked Jesus to leave them.  They had no eyes to see the importance of a life saved.  Thus, they were deprived of access to divine grace.

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