Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Luke 8: 1-15 (Daily Bread of 12/6/2018)

Key verse 8: 4

When spring comes, the earth gives itself vigour and the grass grows and grows.  In the agricultural atmosphere of his time, Jesus said this famous parable, so that everyone might have access to the kingdom of God through it, should they accept it thirstly.

1.  Sacrificial women (1-3)

Jesus' company was very poor and his disciples were always hungry and worried about what to eat the next day. Nevertheless there were some sacrificial women following them.  Among them, there was Mary Magdalene from whom 7 demons came out.  Her life was very painful because of her previous demon possessed state. From an early age, she was tormented by these evil spirits who came into her one by one.  Jesus came and delivered her completely.  Now she wanted to give her life for Jesus who became her true husband.  The same was true of the other women whose class seemed to us to be easy and noble.  Sacrificial women are truly beautiful in the eyes of God and are precious instruments of God.

2.  The parable of the sower (4-15)

Jesus gave the parable of sower, to give more to those who have and take more away from those who do not.  The 4 lands receive the seed, but each of them produces differently.  The sower is God and the seed is the Word.  God scatters the Word, and many people hear it, but the bearing of fruit depends on how each one of them receives the Word.  The earth refers to the disposition of heart.  Along the way the Word is trampled by human feet, hard humanism,  and thus it cannot can penetrate the heart. Instead, Satan picks it and removes it.  The stony earth refers to the superficial heart.  This one is carried away by sentimentalism.  A little bit of persecution is enough to wither the grass.  The earth amongst thorns refers to the anxious, envious and coveteous heart.  The grass is smothered by thorns and unable to grow.  The character being too weak, it has the limit to bear fruit.  The good soil is the heart that receives the Word with goodness and honesty and bears fruit a hundredfold.

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