Monday, September 26, 2016


September, Monday 26th, 2016

John 9:1-23
Mankind is naturally myopic to not see beyond human limit. It's the same for the disciples. Jesus wanted to widen their vision to make them see what is a characteristic of God's work.

1. That the works of God might be displayed
Looking at a man blind from birth, the disciples had a lot of pity and asked Jesus who sinned. According to their system of thought, it's necessary that someone sinned for this pitiful man to be born and beg during all his life. According to them, his man reflected themselves who were poor and must ask for someone to obtain meals everyday. Their situation was lamentable enough to be compared with the situation of this man. Jesus understood their system of thougth and said that he was born like that so that the works of God might be displayed in him. The disciples didn't understand.

2. Go, wash in the pool of Siloam
Jesus spat on the ground, made mud with the saliva, and he anointed the man's eyes with the mud. Then he commanded him to go and wash. The blind man overcame his ego, went and when he came back his eyes were opened. Jesus' way of work was very modest, any doctor could do that. But Jesus used this way to show that all things can be useful to God's works. Nothing on the earth is useless to be employed in God's works. His way was incomprehensible and contemptable, but the blind man obeyed. Obedience is the beginning of God's word and the key to blessing.

Prayer: Lord, help me see God's work beyond human limit.

Bottom line : God's work 

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