Tuesday, September 6, 2016


John 4:1-15

key verse: 7

In this part, we learn how much Jesus is our humble shepherd and how we can obtain true satisfaction. 

1. Give me something to drink

The Lord didn't waste time with the religious leaders and their pointless doctrinal discussion. Instead, he left for Galilee. For Jews, it was necessary to cross the Jordan River and go along its banks in order to enter Galilee; this was due to an age-old hate towards Samaria. However, Jesus crossed Samaria. In him there is no human barrier; all people are his sheep. Jesus saw this filthy woman and humbled himself in order to ask her for a drink. The holy prince of heaven humbled himself completely in front of this despised woman. Praise be to God. Jesus came to earth to die on the cross so that despicable people like us could have eternal life. Hallelujah!

2. He will never thirst

This woman was ignorant, but Jesus didn't judge her. Rather, he made every effort so that one way or another, she would open her heart and confess her deepest desire. Jesus said that the desire of this world is unquenchable. But when Jesus visits someone, he satisfies their spiritual thirst entirely. Here, the water (well) of Jacob represents all the pleasures of the world and various distractions. It's a momentary satisfaction for the soul, but it's far from giving true satisfaction. To fill our satisfaction, we seek many types of pleasure; however, we're still troubled and in anguish, since we know that these things can't really satisfy us. What is your water of Jacob?

Prayer: Lord, thank you for humbling yourself so much to save my soul. Help me not to search for momentary satisfaction, but to look for true satisfaction in the word of God. 

Bottom line: Jesus is my satisfaction 

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