Friday, July 22, 2016


Dt 8:1-10

It would be so much good if mankind needs only bread and clothes to be happy ? But when we notice that countries weel developed have most of sorrow, we learn that happiness is in the life of thanksgiving to God. Here are three subjects of thanksgiving which are important subjects of the Bible.

  1. God makes our living by bread and by His word (1-4)
God saved the Israelite people, who adored their stomach like a god (Ph 3:19) and lived like pigs searching for only pleasure in food. God trained them through humiliations during 40 years in the desert, to give them an important lesson. This lesson is that « man doesn't live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord ». When we thank God to makes us living by His word, there is true happiness (Mt 4:4).

  1. God brings us up to makes up men (5,6)
God brings up those that He loves continually (5, Hé 12:10-12). When we thank God who straighten up our useless interior, there is true happiness in this life.

  1. God gives blessing (7-10)
It's an important error if we think receive blessing by our own strength. It's rather God who gave blessing through feed of his word and training. What we are now it's only mercy. When we thank God to his blessing, there is happiness.
This three subjects are important to us who want to grow inside.
Prayer : Lord, I thank you with all my heart to your word, your training and your blessing. Alleluia ! Amen !
Bottom line : don't live by bread alone

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