Sunday, July 24, 2016


July 23rd 2016

Deut. 8:11-20

There are a lot of Christians who have become cowardly legalists after having received the grace of Jesus. This is because they have forgotten their first love. Consequently, it's not easy to find Christians who work hard, testify and give thanks for the grace of the Lord. This text teaches us why we must not become cowardly legalists.

  1. Do not fall into pride which destroys (11-12)
In His divine will, the Lord chose the people of Israel, trained them and guided them by His love (15-16). Finally, they could experience God's blessing (13). But if they forgot God and fell into pride after all that, it would be a shame (14). God would be saddened seeing a young man forget His love just after receiving his doctorat degree.

  1. Don't say you have become rich through your own strength (16-18)
Through prayer and the word, a young man was saved from drugs, alcohol and tabacco. But one day, he boasted that it was all thanks to his own strength. Likewise, if we think that all our wealth comes from our own hands, we are mistaken. We are wrongly prideful before God who gave us the strength to obtain these things.

  1. Do not bow before idols (19,20)
If we become cowardly legalists, idols will live in the core of our hearts. Perdition is the consequence. Reflect on whether you are a strong Christian filled with life or if you are a cowardly legalist.

Prayer : Lord ! Help me not to become a cowardly legalist. I know you want me to observe your word in the time of blessing.

Bottom line : laziness is the mother of legalism

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