Tuesday, November 20, 2018

QT - Deutéronome 31 :1-30

Key Verse 31: 19

The last part of Deuteronomy (chapter 31-34) shares the last speeches of Moses before his death.

1. Joshua successor of Moses (1-13)
Moses was old, on the point of death. Moses says that the Lord God is their king and commander and GOD will lead the people in all victory, destroying the enemy. They had only to strengthen themselves and take courage, with nothing to fear. The word of Moses is very similar to that of God which will be given to Joshua on the eve of the conquest of Canaan. Moses called Joshua, who was appointed successor according to the will of God, and encouraged him to lead the war as commander, but calling him that the Chief commander is always God. Our fight belongs to God who leads the war himself. Then, Moses gave the order to read the written law at the seventh year after the conquest, in a place where all the tribes get united, especially the descendants who do not know the law very well. 

2. Write the hymn against them (14-30)
The LORD asked Moses and Aaron to stand in the tent. At the entrance, the LORD appeared in a pillar of cloud. The Lord will indicate what will be the disposition of the people when He goes into the land of Canaan and warns them against them. Already 7 years was expressly mentioned because perhaps this is the moment when the memory would begin to weaken. But what was certain is that he will turn away from the law and wallow with idols. After the flood, God had noticed that man is fundamentally inclined to evil, which led him to decide not to give the same calamity. Jesus did not receive the testimony of men, because he knew what is in them. God knew the corrupt state of the people. So he had the hymn written so that the people would sing it as a testimony against them and every time they sing, they would feel sorry and would return to the right path. Moses had no difficulty in foreseeing it, too, because the people rebelled so often during their lifetime, therefore, even more so after his death (27).

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