Monday, January 15, 2018

Ephesians 5 :3-14 (Daily Bread of  9/1/2018)


Key verse 5:3

Paul used to say that all of the bad sentiments be removed from the hearts of the Ephesians. How easy is it for us to fall into this trap. Paul explained what is the clear attitude that a Christian must have when facing these evils.

1. Not even mentioned amongst you (3-5)  

The Christian should not let these evils slip surreptitiously in them. Impurity and misconduct do not form part of Christianity.  Christians. These words should not be in their vocabulary. The reason behind this I because Paul explains that they who do this cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Christians must not abuse God's grace. Paul told them that they could not return to their old sin as God's grace would keep them clear of it. However, not only this terrible sin but all the other sins like buffoonery, bad language, etc. need to be removed from their lives also. These things are unworthy for a Christian as that is demonstrative of their lack of grace. We need to appreciate the life that God gave us and we need to use it wisely according to the goal for which God created it.

2. Do not have anything to do with them (6-14)

The most dangerous thing for a Christian is a false doctrine. If one allows oneself to be seduced by such a thing then one is asking for God's anger to fell upon them. Hence the need to be very precarious. In the past, the Ephesians were in the darkness and this indistinguishable from the world. However, through God's grace and forgiveness they were able to enter His community. From now on they need to bear fruit that comes from their penitence and they need to abstain from their old lives. They are called to become the lamps that shine in the darkness. How can they do this? Paul explains that they need to denounce all misconduct. Here the word denounce does not mean to divulge an act down on secret but it means calling others to penitence by warning them of the imminent judgement so that they would come to the light and be saved. This is painful but once it is done and the sin revealed, the sin will lose its power and become neutralised. Therefore, we need to be alert with regards to sin.   

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