Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Romans 9:30-33 (DB of 22/03/2017)

Wednesday March 22th 2017
key verse: 30
For a long time Paul spoke about the justification by faith, beginning by this words: "the righteous will leave by faith". He speaks again about the justice whose profit the Pagans and whose the Jews are deprived, and he explains why.
1. The Pagans justified by faith (30)
The Pagans have a conscience in their heart. That's why when they commit sin their conscience isn't peaceful. But Paul tells that they don't seek justice, because they are deprived from the law. They don't have law so they are like in the state between Adam and Moses. But in the heart, none seek justice, so noone can be justified and everyone leave on the condemnetion of the law. But it's different now because without the law, God's justice is manifested (Rm 3:21) So, there is a paradox: those who seek justice are lead up to the condemnation, whereas those who don't know it are lead up to salvation.
2. The Jews fallen on the stembling block (31-33)
The reason of this paradox is crucified Jesus. For the Jews, Jesus is the stembling stone on what they fall and break. So, salvation depends on the attitude: how a person look Jesus and if she accept Jesus. The Jews look Jesus only as one of the prophets, or as a son of carpenter. But the Pagans accept He as the Lamb of God who take their sin off. The Jews who wanted to achieve salvation by the works of the law are cursed, whereas the Pagans who have the faith in Jesus who freely justifie themselves are saved.
Prayer: Lord, make me depend on mercy and believe in Jesus, and help me to leave and walk only by faith.
Bottom line: not by the works but by faith

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