Friday, March 24, 2017

Romans 10:14-21 (DB of 24/02/2017)

Friday March 24th 2017

key verse: 17


After having said that justice comes from faith, not from the law, this morning Paul concretely speaks about where faith comes from. 

1. What beautiful feet (14-15)
Is smoke without fire ? Similarly, no salvation without preacher. God calls everyone to become a preacher of God's word. It's the duty of the redeemed. Paul praises the beauty of the feet which go to the mountains and the cities to spread out God's kingdom. Above all, it's an order of God for the justified by the blood of Jesus. The Pagans are freely forgiven, so it's fair that they also freely give God's word. 

2. The source of faith (16-21)
But the Jews didn't obey this order because of their self-righteousness. They are enclosed in their feeling of elected and they refused God's call. The voice of the prophets travelled the city. But they cloged their ears. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Paul speaks about a very important truth. Faith which the Jews lacked and leads us to perdition comes from hearing. Even though the Jews have ears, their heart is closed so they can't hear the word. Especially because of their prejudice they can't hear Jesus' message of salvation. So, Moses and Isaiah said that they will be deprived from salvation, and salvation will go to the Pagans who weren't his people. 

Prayer: Lord, you freely saved me. Help me to give your message to the lost world. Help me to listen with an opened heart to God's word so that I achieve salvation. 

Bottom line: how beautiful are the feet of the preachers !

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