Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Jeremiah 33:1-26 (DB of 01/03/2017)

Wenesday March 1st, 2017

Key verse: 3


It's one of the most favourite and famous word of the Christians. Mighty God answer to the resquest of his children.

1. Invoque me and I will answer you (1-13)
God says to Jeremiah who is in jail "invoque me and I will answer you. I will anounce to you great things, hidden things that you don't know". Our God is futher on our imagination. He is great and mighty, his arm is not short to not save his people. When the people prays God with faith, God wanted to listen to them. So, we must leave from our limited things and pray by faith so that his great works might be revealed. The restoration of Israel is unimaginable, whereas it's not already started. God purifies the rebellous city and bring back the captives, and mourning and sadness are changed in sings of rejoicing cheerfulness (9-11). The devastated country will be changed in a country of pastureland.

2. I will make a germ of justice germinate (14-26)
God's justice is flouted by the people and the next countries dishonour God seing the calamity fallen on the people. But the day is coming when God's justice will be established again. There will be a succesor on the throne who will practice right and justice (up to Jesus), and God is named God of justice. The house of God will be full of hight priests and Levites. God make an alliance that nothing can break with the day and the night. Also he will make a solide alliance with his people which will never broken (20,25). As the stars in the sky and the sand on sea can't be counted, his people will become innumerable.

Prayer; Lord, I invoque you, answer me, because I want to be a servant of your marvels. Thank you for Jesus who is my germ of justice.

Bottom line: invoque me, I will reveal you hidden marvels

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