Thursday, October 6, 2016


1 P 1:1-5
Main theme of 1st Peter
In this letter (63-64 after JC) Peter talks to exiled christians who lived dispersed among unbelievers in the differents Roman provinces. This epistle got to them at the same time the generalized persecution to Christians which was launched by Nero.
We are elected by God and we are saved by faith. At the beginning of this epistle Peter speaks to us about the source of election and of salvation.
1. The elected according to God (1-2)
Peter sent this letter to those who were persecuted and dispersed in Asia. They are humanly poor but they are the elected of God. How are they elected ? They didn't have any point of dignity to have this status. They were elected by the unilateral mercy of God. First, according to the foreknowledge of God. They were predestined by God's will. Then, by the sanctification of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit had purified them of all their sins to be holy pilgrims.  Finally by the obedience and the sprinkling with Jesus' blood.  Lets us notice that it's no human element which intervenes in election. Neither human merit is demanded, nor even faith. It's the obedient faith in Jesus and his blood's sacrifice which made people elected by God.. Election comes from God.
  1. Saved by faith (3-5)
God kept a heavenly reward for us. Jesus said that when he will go to heaven he will prepare a place and will come back to take us with him. He had given a living hope in the kingdom of God to us (3). It's an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. In the past, after a life which pursued ephemeral we should have perished. But by the mercy of God we are saved. Moreover faith keeps us in God's power and assures us eternal life.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for my election by your Trinity and for having accepted my faith to be saved.
Bottom line: God elects and faith saves

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