Tuesday, October 4, 2016


September, Tuesday 4th, 2016
John 11:32-44

The reproach of Jesus is often very advantageous. But we often close our heart. Today Jesus reproaches Martha with a precise aim. This final episode shows us that Jesus is the Son of God who will rise again dead persons in him.
1) If you believe you will see the glory of God (32-40)
Jesus wept. It's the shortest sentance in the Bible and it shows us Jesus' sadness toward mankind who suffers in the reign of Satan and death. People languished and cried in their powerlessness in this reign. But Jesus came to deliver them. It's faith. Only one who has faith will experience it and will see the glory of God. Incredulity was ambient. People made fun of Jesus' words and Jesus' tears, Mary complained because of the late arrival of Jesus and Martha thought only about the tomb. But Jesus reproached them so that they see the glory of God.
2) I believe that you always hear me (41-44)
Jesus prayed God so that Lazarus would be raised up. Jesus does always what's pleasant to God and honors God, God always answers his subjects of prayer. The blind man knew it (9:31). But Jesus wanted people to learn faith. Jesus called Lazarus in a loud voice so he appears like a ressurected person. All persons saw and now they knew that Jesus is their Messiah sent according to the promise. When we will die we also will be raised up listening to his voice which will ring one day.
Prayer: Lord, now I see that I will raise up when you will come again. Make me walk by the faith of ressurection on the earth.
Bottom line: Jesus is the ressurection

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