Saturday, October 15, 2016


1P 4:1-11

We avoid suffering, but suffering in the flesh according to God is useful for us. When the end of all things is at hand, we must live with fear and trembling. So God will be glorified.
1. Suffer in the flesh (1-6)
Like branches on the vine, the believer must be grafted and have the same thought as him. Jesus suffered in the flesh. What we leave in the flesh on earth is an imitation of Jesus. Being in the flesh is suffering but it makes us stop with sin. In the past, being in the flesh signified committing many sins (3). But in Christ our flesh has a new sense. It's a field were we can imitate Jesus. Because of different lifestyles, the incredulous persecute us. The Corinthians thought that those who died before Jesus' arrival were disqualified of salvation. Jesus came toward them to preach (6;3:19)
2. In order that God may be glorified (7-11)
The advent of Jesus is at hand, so we must be self-controlled and sober-minded for prayer. We must love each other with a constant love, because love covers a multitude of sins. It's important to show hospitality to one another and use our gift of God to serve the others as good stewards of God's mercy. And in everything God must be glorified through Jesus, to him belong glory and dominion forever and ever.
Prayer: Lord, make me live in the flesh as Jesus in order to stop with sin. With this new life, make me leave as a depository of mercy and be an effective witness of Jesus.
Bottom line: in order that God may be glorified

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