Monday, September 4, 2017

Hosea 1 : 1-9 (Daily Bread of 04/09/2017)


Key verse 1:2

At this time, the king was Jeroboam II and the country was full of wealth and prosperity. However, the country in the lap of luxury has become corrupted and endorsed idols. Their religiosity is exemplary because they offer sacrifices, but their hearts are corrupted. In this situation, how does God work ?

1. Go, take for yourself a wife of prostitution (1-3)

God orders Hosea to go and take for himself a wife of prostitution. Certainly Hosea did not want to take this wife. But Hosea obeys God's command and goes to take her as wife. God tells Hosea the reason: the country wallows in debauchery. They adopt idolatry in spite of their appareance as believers. God doesn't punish the country right away but he sends a message to warn the country in the hopes of seeing them come back. Knowing this will, Hosea waives his own will to a chaste marriage, and he goes to take Gomer as his wife.

2. Three children named according to God (4-9)

The first child is named Jezreel. This place is historic because here the wicked king Achab, who has killed the innocent Naboth, was revenged by Jehu. This king was called as God's tool, but he wasn't fully obedient. He killed the last king of Omri's dynasty (that Achab belongs to) in this place. But he didn't obey the order to purify the country, he didn't eliminate worship of Baal. Therefore, God names the child with the name of this place to warn that the dynasty of Jehu and also Israel will be avenged if they don't change their behavior. The second child is a girl named Lo-Ruhama, which means that God's compassion will not last forever. Our God is full of love and patience. But the time comes when his patience will be exhausted. His forgiveness isn't indefinite. In contrast, God saves Judah. The confidence in arms is false, only God is worthy of our confidence (7). The third name Lo-Ammi means: you will no longer be my people. It's a great tragedy to be deviated from God and no longer bear God's name. God says to Moses: my name is I am, but now God says: my name is I am nobody. God is fully indifferent to Israel's fate and they are left to their own devices, without any favor or palpable salvation. 

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