Saturday, June 17, 2017


Saturday, June 17th 2017

Psalm 12:1-9
key verse: 7

The believers are called "fidèles" in French, or "faithful" in English. Deacons must have the quality of faithfulness. Yet in this fallen world, it is pointless to look for it, since there are no more people like that. Above and below, they are absent. However, there are many flattering lips with a double heart. They are arrogant, impious and, boasting about their ability to speak, they exclude the lordship of Christ from their lives.

However, God's words and human words are incomparable. God's words are pure, like silver refined seven times in a furnace. They are right for teaching, convicting, correcting and educating in righteousness. Human words based on ideas try to do the same, but the effect is humanistic, without power to solve men's true problems and unhelpful in their effort to do truly good works. Yet, the words of God are different. They establish the kingdom of God in the hearts of men and motivate them to do truly good works. 

There is nothing good in human words (9). Ideas and conversations are filled with insanity and obscurity, maligning the children of God. Yet, God will keep and preserve them from all of man's evil. 


The words of men are filled with bitterness
They flatter one another, as is their custom

But the words of God are full of truth
They are well-adapted for teaching and convicting

They come from the Creator God on his eternal throne
Silver refined in the furnace like on Carmel

Seven times refined, they rescue us from deep waters
They make us carry torches victoriously

Help us to bridle our tongues, like James told us
And to seek your word of truth, to abide in it day and night

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