Tuesday, August 23, 2016


James 4:13-17

Parallel between James' and Paul's theology : Paul states that faith alone is needed for salvation, while James writes that works also accompany this. These two thoughts are not contradictory, but rather complementary. James also seems to share Paul's point of view in that he writes of using time wisely. On the other hand, Paul, who was writing to foreign Christians, said that faith alone sufficed and that there was no need for traditional practices to achieve salvation.

Those to whom James was writing (Jews) had a tendancy for self-glory, so he addressed two points :

1.      Decision according to God

James criticized the fact that these believers did not include God in their plans. They wanted to control their futures. However, tomorrow is hidden from our eyes. We must be humble and pray the following : « If the Lord wills it ».

2.      Sin of omission

This concerns not doing what we know we ought to do. If businessmen and women know what services they owe to their clients and partners, yet neglect to render these services, it becomes sin for them. This is also an answer that a Christian can give to a non-believing client who claims to have done nothing wrong. In sum, we must realize what God wants for us.

Daily prayer : Lord, how do you want me to live today ?

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