Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Monday, August 29th 2016

Psalm 38

This is a psalm for a memorial offering. It was written by David while he was in despair.

  1. Verses 1-9
King David had many burdens, troubles within and without. Moreover, he was weighted down with guilt for his sin. He realized that against God alone he had sinned. This occured just after his meeting with Bathsheba. Afterward, many ennemies rose up against him. He felt abandonned by those closest to him.

  1. verses 10-14
Davis says that he is deaf and mute. This could be due to old age ; on the other hand, it could be due to his numerous ennemies and the weight of his own sins.

  1. verses 15-22
In verse 15, David declares that he will wait for the Lord. He no longer has strength to take any action. In his prayer, he asks that his ennemies would not triumph, that his own sin would be forgiven and that the Lord would not abandon him (v22).

Key verse : 15 : « But for you, O Lord, do I wait ; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer ».

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