Saturday, August 4, 2018

Genesis 19:1-29 (Daily Bread of 3/8/2018)


Key verse 19: 24

In the English air raid called Gomorrah in 1944 on Hamburg, amongst 40,000 dead people, a German soldier survived. During his imprisonment, he read the Bible of the American chaplain and became one of the most famous modern theologians who founded the theology of hope.  The Bible says Lot was saved from the cataclysm as he was a righteous man.                      
1.  God saw the wickedness of the city (1-14)

God came to verify the wickedness of the city,
  as the inhabitants were reproached for many  things (13).  When he stood at the door, Lot went to them.  He was hospitable, but his welcome was not as warm as Abraham's.  Moreover, he forced them into it.  The Sodomites soon noticed the beauty of the angels, and came to claim them.  It was to know them, says v. 5, as their morals were homosexual.  We are surprised at what Lot said about his daughters, for they were married yet they had not known men.  They abandoned the natural relationship, as Paul says in Romans and became inflamed woman with woman, and man with man.  According to Paul, God will reprove them.  That faith was fire from heaven.     
2.  God made sulphur and fire fall from the sky (15-29)

In the eyes of his sons-in-law, Lot's judgment of God seemed like a joke.  When all were procrastinating, the angels hastened Lots' steps.  With an outstretched hand, the angel had gathered Lot from the violence of the Sodomites, striking them with blindness.  With an extended hand, this time God put Lot and his family out of town. Lot was afraid, and begged them to flee to Zoar, and they allowed him to
.  Then God rained brimstone and fire from heaven which consumed the whole city .  God's judgment is truly formidable.  God tolerated their evil patiently, but it was to save a few.  The time will come when all wickedness will be judged and the works of the righteous will be rewarded.  Lot's wife's turned gaze symbolises her attachment to the world.  We must renounce it for the salvation of our souls.

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