Friday, December 22, 2017

Luke 1:67-80 (DB of 23/12/2017)

key verse: 68


Compared to Mary's song, Zechariah's is long and particularly reveals the person and work of the future Messiah who will be born. This song complements Mary's poem, and he speaks little of his son. 

1. Complete delivery (67-73)

Life is a battle against our enemy Satan, for he tempted the earth, made it fall and become his slave. Yet, Jesus' coming is a sign of God's visit to fallen men and his will to save them. Underlying this gracious visit is a battle. Jesus would die on the cross and be resurrected from the dead to crush Satan's head. Thus, he will deliver men from their sins. God has sent Jesus, the horn of salvation for men suffering in slavery. Man was impaled by Satan's horn, but the horn of Jesus destroys it and saves man entirely. This redemption was prophesized many times by God's servants, starting with Abraham. Even in the beginning, God promised to send his Son to crush Satan's head through the wound of woman's offspring. Our God is a God of promise without fail. 

2. A rising sun (74-80)

If God has delivered us, it's not for our personal well-being. It's so that we would be able to serve Him without fear all our days. Until now, we served other gods in fear that they would become angry and punish us. Yet, our God who sacrificed his Son is not one of anger, but a God of goodness. He covers our faults and sins and makes us new creatures. Because a relationship of love is established with God, we can approach His throne and call Him "Abba! Father!" We can serve Him freely. Zechariah grants two versets to his own son, whose mission is to prepare the way of the Lord through preaching repentance. He then returns quickly to worshiping the Son of God, Jesus. He is the rising sun who shines on those living in darkness. He vainquishes death and gives peace in the hearts of those who serve Him.

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