Friday, August 18, 2017

Revelation 11:1-2 (Daily Bread of 18/8/2017)

Friday August 8th 2017


Bouclay, a scholar of the 19th century, says that chapter 11 is the most important and the most difficult to explain. 

1. John measures the temple (11:1b-2)
It's not the temple of Solomon nor the temple of Zorobabel, nor of Herod, all of which are destroyed. It's not the temple of Ezekiel, which is contradictory to John's vision (Ez 48:35 vs; Rev 11:8). It's maybe the fourth temple of Jerusalem. The courtyard of the Pagans will be separated from the courtyard of the Jews by a wall, like in the temple of Herod. The prophet Daniel speaks about the alliance between Satan and the elected people in the first half of the 70 weeks or during three and a half years. Israel will enjoy relative prosperity. It's possible that the three monotheistic religions (Christians, Orthodoxes, Muslims) in Jerusalem occupy the forecourt, whereas the Jews will occupy the temple itself. In their blindness, Israel will make an alliance with the Antichrist (Ez 28:14-15) with a guarantee of safety. After three and a half years, the Antichrist will break the alliance and betray Israel. He will make the offering stop and will soil the sanctuary. But this proof will lead Israel to real repentance (Ez 28:16).

2. A reed given to John (11: 1a)
The reed, a measuring instrument, given to John, has the shape of a board, symbol of punishment. When he measures, he passes judgment, maybe about the fifth temple which will be built. The city will be judged before being measured with the divine cord in the reign of God's Son. Meanwile, the Antichrist will wreak havoc proclaiming himself God (2 Th 2:4). Then, the Lord will purify the place. According to some people, the physical temple will be destroyed to build a new one for the Lord. According to other people, it's a symbol, the Antichrist will dominate in the shadows, and the Christ will inaugurate his reign in a purely spiritual house.

Prayer: Lord, make me fear your judgment which is formidable. You will judge the people before glorifying them in your new temple.

Bottom line: reed and board

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