Saturday, April 22, 2017

Leviticus 13:1-15:33 (DB of 22/4/2017)

Saturday, April 22nd 2017

key verse: 15:31


1. Uncleanness from leprosy

Chapter 13, verses 1-46 tell us how to cleanse leprosy. Verses 47-59 talk about leprosy in garments. A man struck by leprosy is sent out of the camp (14:3) until his case of disease is healed. If the verdict is not favorable, the sick person must stay outside the camp until fully healed. Thus, healing is hoped for, though no specific treatment is mentioned.

2. Purifying and restoring people with leprosy (14)

In verses 1-32, purification is pinpointed. A man must be completely shaved (Numbers 8:7). Hyssop is used, like at Passover (Ex.12:22). The leprous person is described as "unclean" and not "sinner". Yet, it seems right to perceive in this sickness the incorrigible sin of man, cause and source of all afflictions and evils from which humanity suffers. If death is divine retribution for sin, sickness which leads to death carries a certain filth. Perhaps David considered himself morally leprous when he said, "Purge me with hyssop and I will be clean" (Psalm 51). In verses 33-57, the future houses in Canaan are struck with leprosy because of the builder's sin (34). Like the garments, there should be minimal destruction.

3. Uncleanness from bodily discharges (15)

This section addresses questions on sex. Blood flow from gonorrhea or menstral impurity makes a person impure, as well as objects he touches or any sexual intercourse. Everything must be washed and left for seven days in its impurity. The reason for these details is noted in 15:31.

Prayer: Lord, purify my heart, since sin makes me impure and morally leprous

Bottom line: purify me with hyssop

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