Thursday, February 9, 2017

Jeremiah 18:1-23

Thursday, February 9th, 2017


key verse: 6

Today's word is divided into two parts: first, it tells the parable of the potter; second, it speaks about the people's new plot against Jeremiah.

1. The parable of the potter (1-17)

The Lord ordered Jeremiah to rise and go down to the potter's house. There, he makes a mistake and consequently smashes a vase. It was his job to smash it. Israel has forgotten that God is sovereign and acts according to his will. The pot cannot ask the potter why he has done this or that. Yet, the arrogant people refused to accept God's will and insisted on their own. They listened to the counsel of their own evil hearts (12). They did not listen to God or his servants. We must be humble and accept God's sovereignty, even if it doesn't agree with our own will. Every one in Israel follows his own way; thus, disaster is sent. Clay, do you not often put yourself in the potter's place?

2. Give attention to me (18-23)

Adversaries came to take the prophet's life. They say his death means little, since the law will survive anyways. So, Jeremiah cries to God for help. All he had done was to speak in their favor and turn away divine wrath (20). So, why? They menace his life without reason. Jeremiah, facing constant danger from death, cries to God, asking him to avenge him and punish evildoers. 

Prayer: Lord, you are my sovereign. Make me humble so that I accept your will above mine. Save me from my ennemies, and give attention to me each day and each morning.

Bottom line: Accept God as your potter

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