Friday, January 6, 2017


Friday, January 6th 2017
Romans 4:1-12
Paul examines the Scriptures to compare it to his doctrine of justification. Two cases appears, first Abraham, then David.
1. Abraham's faith (4:1-5;9-12)
Abraham wasn't justified by his works but only by faith. How ? His history tells to us that the time where he was justified was when he wasn't circumcised yet. After ten years in Canaan, when he doubted of the promise to have a child, God leads him Abraham outside ans makes him count the stars to confirm his promise. Then, in spite of impossibility, Abraham believe in him, what was counted to him as righteousness (Gn 15:6). Moreover, if mankind is justified by circumcision of works, mankind can glorify herself and salvation isn't a gift but is a owed, what annihilates the greatness of God. So justification only by faith is necessary.
2. David's faith (6-8)
In the psalm 32 verses 1 and 2, after having soffered day and night because of his sins, he confessed that his sins are forgiven. The Eternal God didn't count his sins. The next verse attests that David did not works to be forgiven, he make his sin know to God and immediatly he was forgiven and fully justified. So, the two main pillars of the Bible support the justification only by faith. That is applicable to the Jews and also to the pagans, so that justice would be counted to them (11).
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for your forgiveness to all my sins by only faith. I didn't nothing to you, but only by your mercy, you forgived me.
Bottom line: Only by faith, as Abraham and David...

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