Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Isaiah 4:2-6
key verse: 2

Isaiah's vision goes from the present chaos to a prosperous country. What has happened? God's work is one of purification, and it is produced by the remnants.

1. For the remnants of Israel (2-4)

In those days, a man of valor will appear and lead his people. His name is the "Branch" (Zach. 3:8). Zerubbabel is a prefiguration of the Messiah. Israel will be washed of its past shame and will assume a new status in the land of promise to which it is redirected. The country will be magnificent and glorious. A beauty incomparable to that of women will cover the land of the remnants, and they will be called holy. All this will have happened after the purification of filth and bloodstains, a process accomplished through the invasion of foreign nations.

2. The Eternal God will create a cloud and fire (5-6)

When God led the Israelites through the desert, he guided them with a pillar of fire by night and a cloud of dust by day. It was the glory of God which guided them, and no nation could attack them. When the glory faded because of the people's debauchery, they became vulnerable to attack. But now that the people have been tried and purified by pagan nations, they are restored to the glory of God. He created a cloud and a column of fire to watch over the assemblies in Israel day and night. The place of God's presence is covered in glory. No nation will seize the chance to invade it. The Eternal God is the refuge for those who fear him (Luke 1:50), and asylum for those who partake in worship (Luke 1:74). 

Prayer: Lord, try me so that I am pure and holy as a survivor of God. Please create a glorious assembly among us and for us. 

Bottom line: become a remnant of God

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