Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Tues. Nov. 29th 2016

John 15:1-8
key verse: 5

Jesus speaks of the organic relationship between him and his people. He also talks about the mystery of bearing fruit.

1. He prunes the branches to have more fruit (1-5)

God is the vinedresser. He owns our life. He has given us a fertile slope and tub filled with grapes. Life is compared to a large vine composed of a main branch and smaller branches. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Let's look at this plant: the smaller branches constantly receive sap from the main branch and they bear much fruit. This is the vinedresser's goal. In order for us to bear fruit, two little things are needed: the vinedresser comes and trims the useless shoots from the vine. Thus, he purifies the world. Non-believers are thrown outside. Believers are also tested. They too have useless shoots. These also are trimmed so that they are not grouped with non-believers (6). From the beginning, they are pruned, since they receive the word, but they are also called to be purified day by day. 

2. Abide in me (6-8)

The word "abide" is often repeated. For man, abiding is important. A life outside of God is cursed; it dries up and dies. Such was Cain's life. But those who abide receive sap. It doesn't mean they stay in one place, but that they absorb the sap and grow. Jesus promises that if we abide in him and if the word abides in us, we can ask from God and we will receive. This means that if we follow his example and obey his word, he is pleased to listen to us. We will bear much fruit and he will be glorified. We are called his disciples.

Prayer: Lord, prune me and help me to abide in you in order to bear much fruit and glorify you.

Bottom line: the inseparable vine and branches

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