Monday, August 14th 2017
Revelation 7:1-17
key verse: 17
This word is a kind of intermission between the opening of the six seals and the seven seal. This
part is often misinterpreted by sectarians. But the meaning is important. What is John's vision?
part is often misinterpreted by sectarians. But the meaning is important. What is John's vision?
1. 144000 people who precede the crowd (1-12)
There are 4 angels who trap the winds and who trap those who announce the imminent calamity on
the earth. Then the fifth angel appears holding the seal of the living God. He cried to the others not
to touch the earth and the other things until enough names had been marked by the seal. There are
144000 elected people. This number means 12x12x1000 which represents the perfect achievement of
God's will for the future. Or maybe it's the number of the elected people in the past history of the
Israelites. Nothing is certain. But, in the time of God, after them, countless people will be saved. They
will be gathered before God's throne and they will cry to their God: "salvation belongs to our God, and
to the Lamb". Then, all the angels will bow down before the throne and they will worship God "Blessing,
the earth. Then the fifth angel appears holding the seal of the living God. He cried to the others not
to touch the earth and the other things until enough names had been marked by the seal. There are
144000 elected people. This number means 12x12x1000 which represents the perfect achievement of
God's will for the future. Or maybe it's the number of the elected people in the past history of the
Israelites. Nothing is certain. But, in the time of God, after them, countless people will be saved. They
will be gathered before God's throne and they will cry to their God: "salvation belongs to our God, and
to the Lamb". Then, all the angels will bow down before the throne and they will worship God "Blessing,
glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, power, and might be unto our God". Amen !
2. The white robes (13-17)
Those countless people are all dressed in white robes. What does that mean ? says the angel, but the
angel knows it. They are the people who havesurvived the great tribulation. Then, they washed their
robes in the blood of the Lamb, until their robes were fully white. The Lamb of God purifies all the
people by his blood poured on the cross. So, they will worship God day and night, remaining in his
house. God rejoices in them and protects them (15c). They will be delivered from all the calamities of
the earth and they will feel full peace in their souls. Because the crucified Lamb will feed them, he will
quench their thirst and he will take away their sadness.
angel knows it. They are the people who havesurvived the great tribulation. Then, they washed their
robes in the blood of the Lamb, until their robes were fully white. The Lamb of God purifies all the
people by his blood poured on the cross. So, they will worship God day and night, remaining in his
house. God rejoices in them and protects them (15c). They will be delivered from all the calamities of
the earth and they will feel full peace in their souls. Because the crucified Lamb will feed them, he will
quench their thirst and he will take away their sadness.
Prayer: Lord, you are the crucified Lamb for mankind. Thanks to you, I am saved from my sins and I
am among the worshipping crowd before your throne. Constantly feed me and quench my thirst by
your word.
am among the worshipping crowd before your throne. Constantly feed me and quench my thirst by
your word.
Bottom line: the white robe washed by his blood

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