Saturday, August 26, 2017

Revelation 16 : 1-21 (Daily Bread of 26/8/2017)

                       THE SEVEN CUPS OF GOD’S WRATH

Revelation 16:1-21
Key verse : 16 :1

A voice, the Christ’s certainly, tells the angels to pour out the cups of God’s wrath unto the Earth. How can God so filled with love give such a harsh judgement ? His patience is without limits towards sinful man. Even though He is deeply sadened by their behaviour and His heart is filled with a great hope of their repentance, He does not spare the rod when they refuse His grace and forgiveness. What do these cups symbolise ?

The first cup : ulcers (2). Everyone will contract this new type of cancer at the same time. Even though there have never been as many « magicians » in the World as there were in the time of the Ant-Christ, the beast cannot conjure a plague of ulcers.

The second and the third cups : the seas and the rivers will become blood (3-7). The sea which is the reservoir of life for all living things will become (un charnier). An imbalance in the planet’s ecosystem will have adverse effects on those living near the coasts before the river of blood becomes a hygenetic danger for those living in the mainland. The victors will be dressed in white Revelation 3 :4, and now the damned will have to drink blood as their just punishment. The fire of the judgement thrown onto the Earth comes from the altar under which lie the martyrs’ souls.

The fourth cup : a terrible heat wave (une chaleur torride) coming from the Sun (8-9). The atmospheric proctection that was once divinely granted will be removed and the dangerous heatwaves from the Sun will hit the Earth. Malachi said that the day of the Lord will be « burning like a rageing furnace… » (4 :1), however for the righteous the Sun of righteousness will rise up (4 :2).

The fifth cup : darkness falls on beast’s throne (10-11). Emanating from this throne, similar to that of Satan’s, will be iniquity covered with the power of darkness. It will spread all over the World. The beast’s kingdom will be covered with darkness. Mankind will be in unbearable pain and they will harden their hearts (10b, 11).

The sixth cup : The Euphrates all dried up (12-16). The Euphrates will dry up so that the people of Israel can go back home and so that the armies coming from the East may have a clear path. There will be the Harmagedon, a strategic location that has no particular clear precision on it, and this is where the army of the Anti-Christ’s army will assemble. This army will betray Israel and go against God. Israel will cry out to God and knock it’s chest because of what it did to the Son of God. At that very instant Christ’s victory will be come.  

The seventh cup : Babylon destroyed (17-21). The largest earthquake ever known to man (18-20) will strike the Earth and the largest hailstorm will fall as well in those days. In the meanwhile Babylon will fall, this is detailed more precisely in Chpts. 17 and 18.

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