Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Revelation 18 : 1-24 (Daily Bread of 29/8/2017)


Key Verse 18 : 2

In Revelation chapter 18, Babylon’s political system is presented as a town, a town that flatters the Anti-Christ’s pride. Its the great big town (v. 10, 18, 21) ; the powerful town (v. 10) ; the opulent town (v. 3, 7) ; the town where the trading and international financial monopolies live (v. 9-19) ; the town of great debauchery (v. 3, 5) ; the town where Satan’s throne is ; the town where the demons enjoy themselves (v. 2).

1. Babylon’s judgement proclamed from the heavens above (18 : 1-8)

An angel heralds the imminent return of Christ. Isaiah already predicted the fall of the old Babylon. The fall of this new Bablyon is exactly the same (2a). The Anti-Christ would have already perfectly accomplished what God had allowed him to do. During this time those holding the religious power and the political power will become intimately linked together like the prostitute and the Beast. Babylon will be the World's capital from which flows more prosperity than the World has ever seen. However, that's not all as underworld activities will take place in this town as well. This town will be the meeting place for demons (2b). It will be the city from which all believers must flee (4). Its numerous sins will be the main cause of it's punishment (5). When it seems that evil has reached its summit, suddenly several plagues will destroy this town. It will be consumed by fire (7-8).

2. The Earth laments the fall of Babylon (9-19)

The World’s political leaders will be the first to lament Babylon’s fall. Why such a contrary reaction to that which they showed in Ch. 17 ? Babylon would have made their economies prosper. For this reason, all the Earth's merchants (v.11) and sea pilots (v.17-19) will cry over her.

3. Celebrations in the heavens after Babylon’s fall (20-24)

Babylon has been destroyed and this has now become the one of the reasons behind the saints' joy (20). This town will be completely destroyed like the great stone that was thrown into the sea. God will erase all memory of this wicked town (22). There will be no music heard, the festive joy and light will disappear. In this town we will find the blood of those who resisted against its hegemony. Its fall will coincide with the defeat of the armies at Harmagedon . Thus Babylon’s judgement corresponds to the return of Christ.

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