Thursday, August 24, 2017

Revelation 14 – 15 : 8 (The Daily Bread for Thursday 24 August 2017)

Revelation 14 – 15 : 8 (The Daily Bread for Thursday 24 August 2017)


Key Verse Revelation 15 : 4

After the first four visions, let us  study the last three that are remaining.

The fifth vision (5) Harvesting and reaping  (Revelation 14 : 14-20)

This vision has to be compared with the events that will take place in Revelation 19 : 11-21 when the Lord returns to Earth with his heavenly army in order to severely strike his enemies and to judge mankind. By giving the task of cutting the crop to the angels, Christ keeps the task of annihaliting the Anti-Christ exclusively to him alone. However, before anything starts there were be the harvest. Jean the Baptist spoke about this (Luke 3 :17). Christ also explained it a bit further (Matthieu 13 : 24-30). The vine clusters mixed in with the wheat in the beginning will be revealed and thrown into the ever burning fireplace. After this will follow the reaping . The harvest refers to the political system, while the reaping  refers to all of the religious systems. The vine keepers proved to be unworthy and they produced infected fruits. They rejected Jesus, the true branch. Even though the plants, born from the religious system that the false prophet put in place, appear to come from the true branch, their grapes will be poisoned and will produce wine infected by the serpent’s venom. The Son of man will trample the these wicked people’s winepress, after the day of vengeance, the year of the saved will come ! Let us be reassured that Christ will not forget that which is his.

The sixth vision (6) The victors sing in the sea of glass (15 : 2-4)

Before the throne of God, there is a sea that has a cristal-like ressemblance. This sea is mixed with fire and those who triomphed the Great Tribulation will stand there. The 1 440 000 saved along with the martyrs sing will the harp, without being consumed by the fire just as the fire did not consume the bush when Moses went to see the burning bush and just like the fireplace did not consume Daniel’s friends. Afterwards, these martyrs will sing to celebrate the deliverance from the Anti-Christ’s oppression. This song will be similar to that which Mose sang to celebrate Israel’s freedom from the Pharaoh. In verse 3a, the song of praise to the Lamb will follow the martyrs’ song and this song will celebrate the blood that the Lamb shed on the cross for the redemption of mankind. Thus the exaltation « You alone are loyal » « because your righteousness decrees have been made manifest ».  

The seventh vision (7) The sign of the seven angels emerging from God’s temple (15 : 1,5-8)
After the two signs in Chapter 12 (the woman and the dragon), the third sign appears. By this sign God’s anger is completely poured out. Similar to the first two signs, in the third one the tabernacle will open up and the witness in the tent will help bring about this judgement. In the same way that there were seven angels for the Churches and seven angels for the trompettes, seven angels covered in smoke wearing priestly clothing will emerge from within the temps and they will pour out the last fléau on the Earth. This golden bowl which has been filled with God’s anger over the centuries, will be poured out all at once.

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