Luc 16 :19-31
Dans le film le monde de Némo, le poisson père de Némo fut perdu dans l’océan, quand il alla chercher son fils, et il rencontra un cours d’eau au fond de mer.En effet, c’était la voie aquatique rapide appelé CSA (cours du Sud d’Australie). Un poisson errant père Némo, y entra, et sur le dos d’une tortu, il courut tellement rapide et put enfin sortir à l’océan pacifique du Sud près de sa destination qui était un des plus beaux ports du monde Sidney et où surtout était son enfant bien-aimé Némo.
Dans un autre film pour enfant, Tony story 3, cowboy Woody et compagnie furent en grand danger devant un camion de décharge. Ils y sont jetés et seront bientôt écrasé en ne pouvant plus s’en sortir. La flamme de cinération s’approcha inexorablement et tous auraient été détruits si la grue de secours lancé par leur amis n’était pas arrivé à temps.
Qu’encore ce matin notre pasteur veut-il raconter ? Peut-être que ces deux filmes n’ont rien à voir l’un avec l’autre. Mais ces deux enchaînements, dont l’un est le cours aquatique et l’autre la chaîne de décharge représentent par excellence 2 cours de vie bien différents. Le cours d’eau dans le monde de Némo, si rapide représente la voie du Saint-Esprit qui nous ramène au beau port Sidney spirituel, le ciel et la chaîne de décharge dangereux de Toy Story 3 représente la voie du mauvais esprit qui conduit à la destruction. Ceux qui s’y engagent (ou son dedans) s’approchent petit à petit et de plus en plus du moment de la destruction. Pour eux, chaque jour sera un peu plus de rapprochement de la mort.
Mais ceux qui s’insèrent (ou sont) dans le cours du Saint-Esprit, éprouvent à chaque jour un peu plus de joie. Pour eux, chaque jour, c’est Dieu qui l’accompagne, et le bonheur du ciel règne dans la vie de tous les jours. Jusqu’à ce que père Némo rencontre ce cours, quelle angoisse et quelle incertitude ! Mais la joie et le bonheur s’éclate sur son visage, quand il monta sur le dos d’une grande et gentille tortue. C’est Jésus dans le cours du Saint-Esprit.La foule de tortues qui s’entre-aidaient est l’église. Vous vouez un peu cette image, les enfants. Père Némo : pécheur errant dans l’océan, la grande tortue : Jésus Sauveur. Le cours d’eau, le Saint-Esprit et cette foule de tortues : l’église. Et la destination Sidney : le ciel, le royaume de Dieu. Dans le film, père Némo est un poisson très sympathique, il est innocent, errant à la recherche de son fils qui s’était fâché contre lui et partit loin. Il est un trop gentil père. Je pense que le personnage principal de notre récit de ce matin Lazare ressemble beaucoup père Némo. Par contre, l’homme riche ressemble beaucoup à ce méchant ours peluche qui persécutait tous les faibles jouets.Il s’asseyait dans le fauteuil grand et confortable et régnait de force sur eux. Il sera attaché devant le camion toute sa vie. Donc, nous devons vivre gentiment comme Lazare, pas comme ce méchant homme riche, sinon comme père Némo ou gentil Woody.
Mais qu’apprenons-nous encore de ce récit biblique de Lazare et de l’homme riche ?Comme 2 cours ou chaîne des films cités, la vie ne s'écoule pas sans but. Elle a une destination fixe, plus précisément 2 destinations bien différentes ; l’une est Sidney et l’autre benne (c-a-d grande poubelle)
Pourtant ce récit n’est pas un récit moralisateur. L’auteur raconte tout simplement 2 personnages qui reçurent leur vie respective et s’en allèrent à leur destination propre respective. Il décrit de la façon suivante : Le pauvre mourut et le riche aussi mourut. La Bible ne nous dit pas tout parfois.Que ce soit bien pour que notre curiosité soit satisfaite si elle nous dit : Voilà cet homme riche vivait une vie de débauche et l’autre : il frappa le pauvre et voilà Lazare aidait les autres malgré sa situation malheureuse et surtout gentil aux enfants. Et encore voilà, Dieu les récompense. Mais tous ces choses, Dieu ne les révèle pas, parce que peut-être ce n’est pas la volonté de Dieu, ce n’est que le point de vue de l’homme moralisateurs, ou sinon peut-être parce que l’homme n’est pas besoin de tout savoir.
Alors, Dieu fait avancer une raison de ce jugement tout simplement. Le critère de la séparation de deux personnes est vraiment très simple. Allons le regarder, c’est marqué dans le verset 25. « Tu as reçu tes biens pendant ta vie et Lazare a eu les maux, maintenant il est ici consolé, et toi, tu souffres. » Notre Dieu est, peut-on l’appeler, pour ainsi dire, le grand Egalisateur. Dieu juge chacun un peu matériellement.Celui qui a été riche est dépourvu maintenant et celui qui a été pauvre est maintenant riche.
Comme nous sommes tellement religieux, nous avons souvent tendance de négliger ce qui est matériel ou basique. C’est un très important point. La vie nous semble être très compliquée. Mais la vie est très simple, si nous la voyons de près, du moins du point de vue de Dieu ;
Dieu a donné la vie aux hommes pour qu’ils la vivent pour lui rendre gloire. Il est très simple de voir que si l’homme ne vit pas pour le but de ce donateur de vie, il sera privé à la fin de sa vie. C’est logique. Dieu a donné les choses matérielles aux hommes pour qu’ils les utilisent pour lui. Il est très simple de voir que si l’homme utilise tous ses biens pour lui seulement, il sera privé de cette abondance à la fin. C’est aussi logique.
C’est la raison pour laquelle l’on ne doit pas vivre égoïstement sur la terre. Celui qui a la grande espace doit s’habituer de partager cet espace avec ceux qui vivent dans l’étroitesse.
Lazare souffrait beaucoup à cause du manque des provisions, chaque jour c’est la guerre de bouffe. Mais finalement il est consolé par l’aisance dans le sein d’Abraham. Quant à la situation actuelle de l’homme riche, Dieu dit qu’il souffre. Donc, ici nous trouvons que la souffrance est un grand sujet de sa parole. Ceux qui ne vivaient pas la vie souffrante vivront une éternelle souffrance, alors que ceux qui vivaient une vie souffrante seront finalement soulagés de leur souffrance et jouiront de l’éternelle aisance.
C’est la raison pour laquelle ceux qui ont beaucoup de jouets doivent les partager avec ceux qui ne les ont pas, et la raison pour laquelle nous souffrons pour soigner les brebis nuit et jour et nous passons la nuit et le matin pour travailler fort.Dans le ciel, il y aurait une grande quantité de jouets et toute sorte qu’on n’a jamais vu ailleurs. Dans le ciel nous reposerons avec les brebis qui nous seront nos couronnes de gloire, tout à fait sanctifiées à la ressemblance de Jésus. Dans le ciel, nous n’aurons pas besoin de travailler, nous n’aurons qu’à jouer, car il n’y a pas de cours de l’école, mais que l’heure de la récréation.
Celui et celle qui se réveillent tôt matin du dimanche pour venir rendre culte paraissent aux gens du monde les gens écervelés. Mais ils se sont trompés. Leur viendra le moment où ils devront se réveiller chaque matin pour souffrir toute la journée. Mais ceux qui observaient le sabbat saintement en renonçant au repos de dimanche seront récompensés ; ils entreront dans le repos profond et infinie, et ce éternellement. Quand nous pensons à cette égalisation divine, nous pouvons supporter nos manquements d’ici-bas. A la pensée de cette récompense, nous pouvons tolérer le manque à gagner mensuel. Même si c’est humiliant que mes efforts ne soient pas reconnus, mais le grand égalisateur Dieu se révélera un jour pour les récompenser abondamment.
Dans ce récit, nous apprenons une autre leçon. Si nous écoutons la musique « running on the faith » (courir sur la foi) d’Eric Clapton, il y a cette phrase : « Récemment, je perlais dans mon sommeil, je ne peux imaginer ce dont j’ai dû parler. » Déjà entendre quelqu’un parler en dormant (appelé somniloquie) est un mystère. A plus forte raison, voir un défunt apparaître et parler. Il y a longtemps, dans un film appelé Ghost (Fantôme), un devin voit le fantôme du défunt et celui-ci demande où on a mis le livret de compte bancaire à la veuve. Le fantôme apparaîtra-t-il pour demander de telles choses ? Si nous voyons ce récit, il est évident que ceux qui sont morts ne sont pas capables de parler aux vivants. Donc de telles histoires comme le film sont toutes des fictions. L’homme riche a beaucoup de choses à dire aux vivants. Quelles choses voulut-il raconter aux vivants ? La première chose est qu’il souffre énormément et désire que Lazare soit envoyé pour rafraîchir le feu brûlant pour adoucir sa douleur. Mais ce souhait ne serait pas exaucé, car selon Abraham, sa souffrance actuelle est une récompense justifiée d’une part, comme nous l’avons vue à tout à l’heure comme l’égalisation, et qu’il y a d’autre part, une grande abîme entre deux qui est infranchissable et profonde.
La 2e chose que l’homme riche veut dire, c’est que ses frères vivants se repentent et ne viennent pas là où il souffre. Pour cela, l’homme riche demande à Abraham d’envoyer Lazare auprès d’eux pour les avertir. Mais Abraham lui dit que ce n’est pas la peine, car ils ont Moïse et les prophètes, c’est-à-dire la Bible.
Qu’apprenons-nous ici ? Nous arrivera un moment où tout est fini et que nous nous disons : c’est trop tard. C’est un moment irréversible. Lazare est assis auprès d’Abraham et l’homme riche dans la flamme ardente et cet état des choses ne sera jamais changé ; puis il y a l’abîme entre le ciel et l’enfer et aussi bien entendu une autre encore plus profonde entre l’enfer et le monde. Il est trop tard pour l’homme riche non seulement pour sa vie en propre, mais aussi pour sa parenté qu’elle soit éduquée par lui. Pendant son vivant, ce dont il s’intéressait était leur réussite matérielle. Mais maintenant, il voit clairement que cela ne les aide pas, mais plutôt une pierre d’achoppement. Il veut changer son système de valeur, et influer sur les frères, afin qu’ils changent leur mode de vie, de peur qu’il les voit souffrir de la même souffrance dans la même piscine de feu que lui. Mais tout est fini, et c’est trop tard. Maintenant, nous comprenons, bien qu’étant jeune, nous y sommes parfois peu sensible, pourquoi Jésus parlait souvent du temps. Dans Jean 9 :4, Jésus dit : « il nous faut travailler, tant qu’il fait jour, aux œuvres de celui qui m’a envoyé ; la nuit vient où personne ne peut travailler. » C’est le moment où les incrédules grinceront les dents avec un grand regret.
Mais le message principal que l’homme riche aurait voulu transmettre sera quelque chose de basique, car il avait entendu la raison de cette souffrance par Abraham. Donc, il aurait voulu transmettre ce message : Vous ne vivez pas comme moi une vie aisée et égoïste. Partagez avec les autres vos biens et vous serez heureux et de plus vous ne viendrez pas ici.
Lazare était au sein confortable d’Abraham. Il s’y appuyait et se dorlotait. C’était parce qu’il menait une vie pauvre et démunie dans ce monde. On peut se demander pourquoi Jésus ne lui a pas rendu visite pour le guérir et le faire améliorer sa situation matérielle, comme on dit souvent, « le ciel aidera celui qui s’aide. » mais tous dépend de la volonté de Dieu. Selon sa volonté, quelqu’un est sollicité d’être guéri et se lever et marcher. Selon sa volonté, quelqu’un restera immobile et dépourvu toute la vie. Mais cette histoire est un symbole. Toute la privation que l’homme subit sur cette terre sera récompensé dans le monde à venir. Or, la seule condition pour le bénéfice de cette récompense sera qu’on n’en veut pas à Dieu pour cette privation. Il nous faut toujours remercier Dieu.
C’est toujours un problème délicat de savoir jusqu’à quel degré nous devrons aider matériellement les gens démunis. Est-ce que c’est mieux de les aider à se lever tout seul plutôt qu’apporter toujours le secours ? Mais, nous devons savoir qu’il y a les gens qui ne peuvent s’aider eux-mêmes, en sorte que le ciel ne peut l’aider, car ils sont tellement faibles et fragiles. Alors, à ce moment-là, ce que nous devons faire, c’est que nous lui enseigner le remerciement, quoi que cela paraît aussi très difficile à cause de l’attitude de se plaindre quand on a dans la privation.Nous devons implanter l’espérance vivante, en sorte qu’ils connaissent qu’après cette vie de dure labeur, ils bénéficieront de la vie éternelle et du repos infini au sein d’Abraham, le juste.
Le mode de vie de l’home riche est écrit, dans le verset 19, « vêtu de pourpre et de fin lin, et qui chaque jour menait joyeuse et brillante vie. Une chrétienne américaine travaillant comme chercheur dans un laboratoire française, remarqua que tous ses collègues qui ont fini leur école hautement renommée, vivaient une vie très aisée. Vraiment avec toutes leurs conditions individuelle, familiale et sociale, rien ne leur manquait. Alors, ils mènent chaque jour leur vie joyeuse et brillante. Sans Dieu, ils ne vivent que très bien. Quand on parle à ces gens, de Dieu et son espérance, ils ne s’en moquent. A quoi servent des choses spirituelles, quand tout va bien ? Mais nous devons savoir que la fin de ce genre de vie est la perdition de l’âme et la souffrance éternelle dans la flamme.
Mais, non seulement ces polytechniciennes, mais ce mode de vie concerne beaucoup d’autres gens mêmes ordinaires. Ils sentent dans la peau quand ils vivent dans le monde. Les choses du monde les satisfont parfaitement. Le plaisir qu’il leur fournit leur paraît sublime et délectables. Ils se disent, « C’est si bon ! » Mais il faut qu’on sache que ce genre de mode de vie conduit à la destruction comme cette chaîne de décharge de Toy Story.
Qui est celui qui s’oriente vers le royaume de Dieu ? Il est celui qui travaille diligemment dans le monde, mais qui ne trouve pas dans le monde sa place où il peut se tenir adéquatement. C’est celui qui ne s’adapte pas parfaitement au monde. C’est celui pour qui le monde ne paraît pas quelque part comme son lieu d’habitation fixe. C’est le type orienté au royaume de Dieu. Celui qui ne peut jamais s’habituer au monde, pour qui la vie paraît étranger, qui sent que le monde est peu familier, est celui qui est destiné au royaume de Dieu. Par contre, celui qui se satisfait du monde et pour qui le monde est trop bien, la vie est trop belle, trop belle, trop amusant, alors quand il meurt, il n’a malheureusement pas de place à mettre ses pieds. Le monde n’est pas notre maison. On dit que la vie est un pèlerinage. Le citoyen du royaume de Dieu signifie que ce monde n’est pas son habitation. Celui qui aime trop le monde, on ne peut dire autrement qu’il n’a pas de foi en le royaume céleste. Celui qui dit, « le monde est si bon, on va y vivre mille ans, deux mille ans » n’est pas le citoyen du royaume de Dieu. Un sociologue américain invente un mot amortalité pour indiquer la mentalité des types qui vivent sans sentir l’âge toute la vie ; Ce n’est pas immortalité, mais amortalité, qui ne ignore l’âge jusqu’à la mort. Il grandit, vit toute la jeunesse, la vieillesse en menant un train de vie constant, après quoi il meurt tranquillement.Ils font tous les soins et tous les exercices pour garder leur corps en forme. Mais ces amortels qui vivent si bien sont tous, il est évident qu’ils ne sont pas préparés à la mort, et tous iront dans la même place que cet homme riche du récit.
Ce sentiment d’un étranger dans ce monde peut se sentir même dans le petit enfant. Phoebe Bartlet, enfant de 4 ans est un exemple. Elle était né en 17.. à l’époque du grand réveil américain de Jonathan Edward. Après avoir entendu le témoignage de son frère qui venait d’être converti à l’âge de 11 ans, elle s’en est allé plusieurs fois dans un armoire pour y prier enfermé. Elle dit un jour à sa mère, en pleurant : j’ai peur d’aller à l’enfer. Mais sa mère essaya de la consoler : Non, ma fille, tu n’y ira pas, parce que tu est une bonne fille, prie chaque jour, espère que Dieu vienne, etc. mais n’arriva pas à la calmer. Elle pleura continuellement. Puis, après quelques instants, tout à coup, la fille leva sa tête et sourit et dit : « Le royaume de Dieu est venu à moi… » Après cet événement, un soir, elle était au lit et appela un de ses cousins qui était dans la même chambre, comme si elle voulut lui dire quelques mots et quand il fut venu, Phoebe lui dit que le ciel était mieux que la terre.Dans une autre occasion, elle dit à sa mère qu’elle dut parler à ses grandes sœurs et quand la mère lui dit ce qu’elle voulut leur dire, elle répondit qu’elles devaient prier et préparer la mort ; et qu’elle n’avaient peu de temps à vivre dans ce monde et elles devaient être toujours prêts.
Le grand moment de réveil a montré ainsi son signe dans une petit bouche d’enfant, quand celle-ci se sentit mieux dans le ciel que sur la terre et se préparer au ciel par la prière.
Quand le Saint-Esprit vient et change notre constitution originellement orienté à la terre en une constitution du citoyen du ciel, nous en venons à nous intéresser plus aux autres âmes. Nous commençons à avoir pitié de nos semblables et pleurer pour eux et prier pour eux, comme de nouveau cette Phoebe qui pleuraient un jour à chaque vue de ses sœurs : Oh pauvre Nabby ! Oh pauvre Eunice ! Oh pauvre Amy ! A la demande de pourquoi ces larmes, elle répondit : parce que j’ai peur qu’elles aillent à l’enfer. Mais si nous avons dans le cœur l’amour de ce monde, notre amour envers une âme se refroidirait facilement, ce qui est logique, comme un minerai amalgamé pert rapidement son éclat.
Jésus dit à l’homme riche que ce n’est pas la peine que Lazare aille vers ses frères, car ils avaient Moïse et les Prophètes. S’ils n’acceptent pas la Bible, dit-il, ils n’accepteront pas non plus le témoignage, même si le défunt revenait vivant à eux. Dans la logique, il y a le terme condition nécessaire et celui condition suffisante. Par exemple, quand ont dit « ABCD est un parallélogramme », c’est une condition nécessaire pour que « ABCD soit un losange ».C’est-à-dire, si ABCD est un losange, nécessairement ABCD est un parallélogramme. Mais quand on dit, « ABCD est un carré », c’est une condition suffisante pour que ABCD soit un losange.C’est-à-dire, un carré est forcément un losange. Ce que Jésus dit, c’est que l’existence ou la possession de la Bible est une condition nécessaire pour qu’on ait le salut. Pour qu’elle soit une condition suffisante, il faut qu’il y ait la partie de l’homme, c’est-à-dire les oreilles qui écoutent et le cœur qui est disposé. C’est pourquoi Abraham dit, « S’ils n’écoutent pas Moïse et le Prophète, ils ne se laisseront pas persuader, même si quelqu’un ressuscitait d’entre les morts. » Celui qui n’écoute pas n’écoutera toujours pas, et celui qui écoute en finit à écouter.
En conclusion, si on étudie Jean 9, les disciples, en voyant un aveugle de naissance, dirent à Jésus, « Qui a péché ? » Selon la psychologie de tous les gens, les disciples relièrent cette maladie ou le malheur à un péché dissimulé quelque part. Ce phénomène mental s’appelle « association de cause à effet ». Les bouddhistes se disent que le malheur présent a pour origine le mal qu’ils avaient commis dans leur vie antérieure. Les disciples associent la souffrance d’un aveugle au péché soit de lui-même soit ses parents. Mais pour Jésus, il n’y a pas de telle logique. La logique de Jésus n’est pas aussi compliqué que ça. Jésus ne condamna pas même la femme qui fut prise en flagrant délit d’adultère. Les hommes sont aptes à condamner par leur logique que toute la faute doit être réparée. Mais tout ce qui se passe sur la terre ne suit pas de cette logique de cause à effet aux yeux de Jésus. Pour Dieu, il n’y a qu’une seule logique valable – elle est très simple – ceux qui vivent bien dans ce monde souffriront et ceux qui vivent mal dans ce monde en souffrant vivront bien dans le ciel.
Luc 16:19-31
(ppt1) In the movie the world of Nemo, the fish Nemo's father was lost in the ocean when he went to fetch his son, and he found a stream at the bottom of sea. In fact, it was aquatic fast track called CSA (course of South Australia). An errant father fish Nemo, entered, and on the back of a turtle, he ran so fast and was finally able to go to the South Pacific Ocean near its destination, which was one of the most beautiful ports in the world Sidney and where especially was his beloved son Nemo.
(ppt2) In another film for children, Tony Story 3, cowboy Woody and company were in great danger in front of a dump truck. They are discarded and will soon be crushed as they fail to cope. The flame incineration inexorably approached and all have been destroyed if the crane rescue launched by their friends had not arrived on time.
Still this morning what does our pastor want to tell us? Maybe these two movies have nothing to do with each other. But these two sequences, one of which is aquatic stream and the other the discharge chain represent two very different courses of life. The stream in the world of Nemo, so rapid is the way in which the Holy Spirit brings us to the beautiful Port Sidney spiritual heaven and the chain of hazardous discharge of Toy Story 3 is the way of the evil spirit which leads to destruction. Those who engage in it (or are inside) are approaching gradually more and more to the time of destruction. For them, every day is a little more closer to death.
But those who fit (or are) in the course of the Holy Spirit, are experiencing every day a little more joy. For them, every day is God that accompanies them, and the happiness of heaven reign in their life of every day. Until father Nemo meets this course, what anguish and uncertainty! But the joy and happiness explodes on his face when he climbed on the back of a great and nice turtle. It is Jesus in the course of the St. Esprit. The crowd of turtles that were helping each other is the church. You see here a small image, kids. Father Nemo: wandering sinner in the ocean, the Great Turtle: Jesus Savior. The rapid stream, the Holy Spirit and the crowd of turtles: the church. The destination Sidney: heaven, the kingdom of God. In the film, fish father Nemo is very friendly, he is innocent, wandering in search of her son who was angry against him and went away. He is a too nice father. I think the main character of our story of this morning Lazarus is much like father Nemo. In contrast, the rich man is much like that wicked teddy bears who persecuted all weak toys. He sat in the comfortable chair, and with great strength prevailed over them. He will be attached to the front of the dump truck all his life. So we have to live like Lazarus nicely, not like this wicked rich man, if not as nice father Nemo or cowboy Woody.
But what do we learn more of this biblical story of Lazarus and the rich man? As 2 course or chain of the films mentioned, life does not flow without aim. It has a fixed destination, more precisely 2 different destinations of which one is Sidney and the other bucket (ie large bin)
Yet this story is not a moralizing story. The author simply tells two characters received their respective lives and went to their own respective destination. He described as follows: The beggar died and the rich man also died. The Bible does not often tell us why. What a good thing if it is said for our curiosity to be satisfied like this : That this rich man lived a life of debauchery and the other: he struck the poor Lazarus and this one now is helping others despite his unfortunate situation and especially nice to children. Yet this is God's reward. But all these things, God does not reveal, because maybe this is not the will of God, that's just the perspective of moralizing humans, or else perhaps because the man does not need to know everything.
So God made a move because of this ruling at all. The criterion of separation of two people is really very simple. Come watch it, it says in verse 25. "You have received your property during your life and Lazarus evil things, but now he is comforted and you are tormented. "Our God is, can we call it, so to speak, the great equalizer. God judges everyone a little bit materiously. One who was rich now has poverty and one who was poor are now rich.
As we are so religious, we often tend to neglect what is material or basic. It is a very important point. Life seems to be very complicated. But life is very simple, if we see it up close, at least from the standpoint of God;
God gave life to the men to live to glorify him. It is easy to see that if man does not live for the purpose of the giver of life, he will be private from it at the end of his life. That makes sense. God gave to men material things so that they use them for him. It is easy to see that if a man uses all his property for him alone, he will be deprived of this wealth at the end. It is also logical.
That's why we should not live selfishly on earth. He who has great space to get used to share space with those who live in the narrowness.
Lazarus suffered greatly because of lack of supplies, every day is war. But finally he is comforted by the ease in the bosom of Abraham. As for the current situation of the rich man, God says he suffers. So here we find that suffering is a major topic of his speech. Those who were not suffering life will live an eternal suffering, while those who lived a life of suffering are finally relieved of their suffering and will enjoy eternal ease.
That's why those who have a lot of toys should be shared with those who did not, and why we suffer to treat the sheep day and night and we spend the night and morning to work hard. In heaven, there would be plenty of toys of all kind we have never seen elsewhere. In heaven we will rest with the sheep who are our crown of glory, perfectly sanctified in the likeness of Jesus. In heaven, we will not need to work, we'll just play, because there are no courses in school, but the hour of recreation.
One that woke up early Sunday morning to come to worship seem to people of the world brainless people. But they were wrong. The day will come when they will wake up each morning to suffer all day. But those who observed the Sabbath holy by giving up the rest of Sunday will be rewarded, they will enter the deep rest and infinite, and this forever. When we think of this equalization of God, we can endure our failures of this world. At the thought of this award, we can tolerate the monthly shortfall. Even if it is humiliating that my efforts are not recognized, but the great equalizer God will prove one day to reward them abundantly.
In this story, we learn another lesson. If we listen to music "Running On The Faith" by Eric Clapton, there's this sentence: "Recently, I’m talking in my sleep, I can not imagine what I had to speak.” Already heard someone talking in his sleep (called somniloquy) is a mystery. A fortiori, see a dead appear and speak. Long ago, in a movie called Ghost, a soothsayer sees the ghost of the deceased and he asks where you put the bank passbook to the widow. The ghost appears he ask for such things? If we see this story, it is obvious that those who are dead are not able to speak to the living. So such stories as the movie are all fiction. The rich man has many things to say to the living. What things would he tell to the living? The first thing is that he suffers greatly and wish that Lazarus be sent to cool the burning fire to soften the pain. But this wish is not fulfilled, because according to Abraham, his present suffering is a justified reward on the one hand, as we have seen in earlier as the equalizer, and on the other hand, there are a wide gulf between the two which is unbridgeable and deep.
The second thing that the rich man wants to say is that his living brothers repent and do not come where he suffers. For this, the rich man asks Abraham to send Lazarus to them to warn them. But Abraham said it is not worth it, because they have Moses and the prophets, that is to say the Bible.
What do we learn here? To us will come a time when everything is finished and we say it's too late. It's a time irreversible. Lazarus is sitting with Abraham and the rich man in the burning flame and this state of things will never be changed, then there is a abyss between heaven and hell and also of course, another even deeper between the hell and the world. It is too late for the rich man not only for his own life, but also for his family so that she is educated by him. During his lifetime, what he was interested in was their material success. But now it is clear that this does not help, but rather a stumbling block. He wants to change his value system, and influence on the brothers to change their way of life, lest he see them suffer the same pain in the same pool of fire than he. But everything is over, and it's too late. Now, we understand, although being young, we are sometimes insensitive, why Jesus often spoke of the time. In John 9: 4, Jesus said, "we must work while it is day, the works of him who sent me. The night cometh when no man can work. "This is when the unbelievers gnash their teeth with great regret.
But the main message that the rich man wanted to transmit will be something basic, because he had heard the reason for this suffering by Abraham. So he wanted to convey this message: You do not live life as easily and selfishly than me. Share with others your property and you're happy and you will not come over here.
Lazarus was in Abraham's comfortable arm. He supported them and fondled. It was because he lived a life of poverty and destitute in this world. One may wonder why Jesus has not visited for a cure and do improve his material situation, as is often said, "Heaven helps one who help himself. "But all depends on the will of God. According to his will, someone is asked to be healed and get up and walk. According to his will, someone will remain motionless and without life. But this story is a symbol. Any privation that man suffers on earth will be rewarded in the world to come. However, the only condition for the benefit of this award will not to hold grudge against God for this privation. We must always thank God.
It is always a delicate problem of to what degree we will help people physically disadvantaged. Is it better to help him stand alone, not adding still help? But we know there are people who can not help themselves, so that heaven can not help because they are so weak and fragile. So at this point, what we do is we teach him thanks, even though it also seems very difficult because of the attitude of complaining when we have to implement in privation. We teach them living hope, so they know that after this life of hard work, they will receive eternal life and rest in infinity of Abraham, the righteous.
The lifestyle of the rich man is written in verse 19, "dressed in purple and fine linen, and everyday life fared sumptuously.” American Christian working as a researcher at a French laboratory, noticed that all his colleagues who have finished their great school, lived a very easygoing life. Really with all their individual, familial and social life, nothing was missing. Then they lead their lives every day happily and brightly. Without God, they live very well. When we talk to these people, God and his hope, they do not care. What are needs of spiritual things when everything goes well? But we must know that the end of this kind of life is destruction of the soul and eternal suffering in the flames.
But not only these Polytechnicians, but this way of life is for thousands of other ordinary people themselves. They feel in the skin when they live in the world. The things of the world meet them perfectly. The pleasure it provides to them seem sublime and delectable. They say, "C'est si bon!” But be it known that this kind of lifestyle leads to destruction, as this chain of discharge in Toy Story.
Who is the one who turns to the kingdom of God? He is the one who works diligently in the world, but he does not find his place in the world where he can stand properly. He who does not fit perfectly in the world. This is one for whom the world does not appear somewhere as his place of fixed habitation. This is the type oriented to the kingdom of God. One who can never get used to the world, for whom life is foreign, who feels that the world is unfamiliar, est the one destinated to the kingdom of God. In contrast, one who are happy with the world and for whom the world is too good, life is too beautiful, too beautiful, too fun, so when he dies he has regrettably no place to live. The world is not our home. They say that life is a pilgrimage. The citizen of the kingdom of God means that this world is not his home. Whoever loves the world too much, we can not say otherwise than that he has no faith in the celestial kingdom. Whoever said "the world is so good, it's going to live a thousand years, two thousand years" is not a citizen of the kingdom of God. An American sociologistinvented a word amortalité to indicate the mentality of men who live without feeling anylife age; This is not immortality, but amortalité, which ignores the age until death. He grew up, live all the youth, and old age leading a constant lifestyle, after which he died peacefully. They have all the care and all the exercises to keep their body in shape. But those who live amortels like it are all, obviously signify they are not prepared for death, and all go in the same place as this rich mane in our story.
This sense of a stranger in this world can feel even in the small child. Phoebe Bartlett, 4 year old child is an example. She was born in 1731 at the time of the great American revival of Jonathan Edward. After hearing the testimony of his brother who had been converted at the age of 11, she has gone several times in a locked closet to pray. She once said to his mother, crying: I'm afraid to go to hell. But his mother tried to console: No, my girl, you do not go, because you are a good girl, prays every day, hoping that God comes, and so on. but failed to calm her. She wept continuously. Then after a while, suddenly, the girl raised her head and smiled and said: "The kingdom of God came to me ..." After this event, one night, she was in bed and called a cousin who was in the same room, as if she wanted him to say a few words and when he came, Phoebe tells him that heaven was better than earth. In another occasion, she told her mother that she had to talk to his sisters and when the mother told her what she wanted to tell them, she said they must pray and prepare for death, and they had little time to live in this world and they should be always ready.
The great moment of awakening had its sign in a small child's mouth, when she felt better in heaven than on earth and she must prepare for the sky in prayer.
When the Holy Spirit comes and changes our constitution originally oriented to the earth to the constitution of a citizen of heaven, we come to pay our more attention to other souls. We begin to feel sorry for our fellow man and cry for them and pray for them, as again this Phoebe crying one day each to his sisters: Oh Poor Nabby! Oh poor Eunice! Oh poor Amy! At the request of why these tears, she said, because I'm afraid they go to hell. But, if we have in our heart the love of world, our amour toward one soul will cool down easily, which is very logic, like mixed ore lost rapidly it’s brillance.
Jesus told the rich man that it’s not worth that Lazarus go to his brothers because they had Moses and the Prophets. If they do not accept the Bible, he says, they will not accept either the testimony, even if the deceased returned to them alive. In logic, there is the term necessary condition and that sufficient condition. For example, in the geometry, (ppt3) when we told "ABCD is a parallelogram, it is a necessary condition for" ABCD is a rhombus. "That is to say, if ABCD is a rhombus, ABCD is a parallelogram necessarily. (ppt4) But when we say, "ABCD is a square" is a sufficient condition for ABCD is a rhombus, that is to say, a square is always a rhumbus. What Jesus says is that the existence or possession of the Bible is a necessary condition that they may have salvation. To be a sufficient condition, there must have the part of man, that is to say, the ears that listen and the heart that is willing. That is why Abraham said, "If they hear not Moses and the Prophet, they will not let persuade, even if someone rises from the dead. "Whoever does not listen don’t listen however, and whoever listens listen finally.
In conclusion, if we study John 9, the disciples, seeing a man born blind, said to Jesus, "Who sinned?” According to the psychology of all people, the disciples associated this illness or misfortune to hidden sin somewhere. This mental phenomenon is called "causal association". The Buddhists say that this misfortune has its origin in the evil they committed in their previous life. The disciples combine the suffering of a blind to sin either of himself or of his parents. But for Jesus, there is no such logic. The logic of Jesus is not as complicated as that. Jesus did not condemn even the woman who was caught in committing adultery. Men are apt to condemn according to their logic that any fault shouldn’t be remain unrepaired. But everything that happens on earth does not follow this logic of cause and effect in the eyes of Jesus. For God, there is only one valid logic - it is very simple - those who live well in this world suffer and those who suffer in this evil world live well in the sky.
(ppt2) In another film for children, Tony Story 3, cowboy Woody and company were in great danger in front of a dump truck. They are discarded and will soon be crushed as they fail to cope. The flame incineration inexorably approached and all have been destroyed if the crane rescue launched by their friends had not arrived on time.
Still this morning what does our pastor want to tell us? Maybe these two movies have nothing to do with each other. But these two sequences, one of which is aquatic stream and the other the discharge chain represent two very different courses of life. The stream in the world of Nemo, so rapid is the way in which the Holy Spirit brings us to the beautiful Port Sidney spiritual heaven and the chain of hazardous discharge of Toy Story 3 is the way of the evil spirit which leads to destruction. Those who engage in it (or are inside) are approaching gradually more and more to the time of destruction. For them, every day is a little more closer to death.
But those who fit (or are) in the course of the Holy Spirit, are experiencing every day a little more joy. For them, every day is God that accompanies them, and the happiness of heaven reign in their life of every day. Until father Nemo meets this course, what anguish and uncertainty! But the joy and happiness explodes on his face when he climbed on the back of a great and nice turtle. It is Jesus in the course of the St. Esprit. The crowd of turtles that were helping each other is the church. You see here a small image, kids. Father Nemo: wandering sinner in the ocean, the Great Turtle: Jesus Savior. The rapid stream, the Holy Spirit and the crowd of turtles: the church. The destination Sidney: heaven, the kingdom of God. In the film, fish father Nemo is very friendly, he is innocent, wandering in search of her son who was angry against him and went away. He is a too nice father. I think the main character of our story of this morning Lazarus is much like father Nemo. In contrast, the rich man is much like that wicked teddy bears who persecuted all weak toys. He sat in the comfortable chair, and with great strength prevailed over them. He will be attached to the front of the dump truck all his life. So we have to live like Lazarus nicely, not like this wicked rich man, if not as nice father Nemo or cowboy Woody.
But what do we learn more of this biblical story of Lazarus and the rich man? As 2 course or chain of the films mentioned, life does not flow without aim. It has a fixed destination, more precisely 2 different destinations of which one is Sidney and the other bucket (ie large bin)
Yet this story is not a moralizing story. The author simply tells two characters received their respective lives and went to their own respective destination. He described as follows: The beggar died and the rich man also died. The Bible does not often tell us why. What a good thing if it is said for our curiosity to be satisfied like this : That this rich man lived a life of debauchery and the other: he struck the poor Lazarus and this one now is helping others despite his unfortunate situation and especially nice to children. Yet this is God's reward. But all these things, God does not reveal, because maybe this is not the will of God, that's just the perspective of moralizing humans, or else perhaps because the man does not need to know everything.
So God made a move because of this ruling at all. The criterion of separation of two people is really very simple. Come watch it, it says in verse 25. "You have received your property during your life and Lazarus evil things, but now he is comforted and you are tormented. "Our God is, can we call it, so to speak, the great equalizer. God judges everyone a little bit materiously. One who was rich now has poverty and one who was poor are now rich.
As we are so religious, we often tend to neglect what is material or basic. It is a very important point. Life seems to be very complicated. But life is very simple, if we see it up close, at least from the standpoint of God;
God gave life to the men to live to glorify him. It is easy to see that if man does not live for the purpose of the giver of life, he will be private from it at the end of his life. That makes sense. God gave to men material things so that they use them for him. It is easy to see that if a man uses all his property for him alone, he will be deprived of this wealth at the end. It is also logical.
That's why we should not live selfishly on earth. He who has great space to get used to share space with those who live in the narrowness.
Lazarus suffered greatly because of lack of supplies, every day is war. But finally he is comforted by the ease in the bosom of Abraham. As for the current situation of the rich man, God says he suffers. So here we find that suffering is a major topic of his speech. Those who were not suffering life will live an eternal suffering, while those who lived a life of suffering are finally relieved of their suffering and will enjoy eternal ease.
That's why those who have a lot of toys should be shared with those who did not, and why we suffer to treat the sheep day and night and we spend the night and morning to work hard. In heaven, there would be plenty of toys of all kind we have never seen elsewhere. In heaven we will rest with the sheep who are our crown of glory, perfectly sanctified in the likeness of Jesus. In heaven, we will not need to work, we'll just play, because there are no courses in school, but the hour of recreation.
One that woke up early Sunday morning to come to worship seem to people of the world brainless people. But they were wrong. The day will come when they will wake up each morning to suffer all day. But those who observed the Sabbath holy by giving up the rest of Sunday will be rewarded, they will enter the deep rest and infinite, and this forever. When we think of this equalization of God, we can endure our failures of this world. At the thought of this award, we can tolerate the monthly shortfall. Even if it is humiliating that my efforts are not recognized, but the great equalizer God will prove one day to reward them abundantly.
In this story, we learn another lesson. If we listen to music "Running On The Faith" by Eric Clapton, there's this sentence: "Recently, I’m talking in my sleep, I can not imagine what I had to speak.” Already heard someone talking in his sleep (called somniloquy) is a mystery. A fortiori, see a dead appear and speak. Long ago, in a movie called Ghost, a soothsayer sees the ghost of the deceased and he asks where you put the bank passbook to the widow. The ghost appears he ask for such things? If we see this story, it is obvious that those who are dead are not able to speak to the living. So such stories as the movie are all fiction. The rich man has many things to say to the living. What things would he tell to the living? The first thing is that he suffers greatly and wish that Lazarus be sent to cool the burning fire to soften the pain. But this wish is not fulfilled, because according to Abraham, his present suffering is a justified reward on the one hand, as we have seen in earlier as the equalizer, and on the other hand, there are a wide gulf between the two which is unbridgeable and deep.
The second thing that the rich man wants to say is that his living brothers repent and do not come where he suffers. For this, the rich man asks Abraham to send Lazarus to them to warn them. But Abraham said it is not worth it, because they have Moses and the prophets, that is to say the Bible.
What do we learn here? To us will come a time when everything is finished and we say it's too late. It's a time irreversible. Lazarus is sitting with Abraham and the rich man in the burning flame and this state of things will never be changed, then there is a abyss between heaven and hell and also of course, another even deeper between the hell and the world. It is too late for the rich man not only for his own life, but also for his family so that she is educated by him. During his lifetime, what he was interested in was their material success. But now it is clear that this does not help, but rather a stumbling block. He wants to change his value system, and influence on the brothers to change their way of life, lest he see them suffer the same pain in the same pool of fire than he. But everything is over, and it's too late. Now, we understand, although being young, we are sometimes insensitive, why Jesus often spoke of the time. In John 9: 4, Jesus said, "we must work while it is day, the works of him who sent me. The night cometh when no man can work. "This is when the unbelievers gnash their teeth with great regret.
But the main message that the rich man wanted to transmit will be something basic, because he had heard the reason for this suffering by Abraham. So he wanted to convey this message: You do not live life as easily and selfishly than me. Share with others your property and you're happy and you will not come over here.
Lazarus was in Abraham's comfortable arm. He supported them and fondled. It was because he lived a life of poverty and destitute in this world. One may wonder why Jesus has not visited for a cure and do improve his material situation, as is often said, "Heaven helps one who help himself. "But all depends on the will of God. According to his will, someone is asked to be healed and get up and walk. According to his will, someone will remain motionless and without life. But this story is a symbol. Any privation that man suffers on earth will be rewarded in the world to come. However, the only condition for the benefit of this award will not to hold grudge against God for this privation. We must always thank God.
It is always a delicate problem of to what degree we will help people physically disadvantaged. Is it better to help him stand alone, not adding still help? But we know there are people who can not help themselves, so that heaven can not help because they are so weak and fragile. So at this point, what we do is we teach him thanks, even though it also seems very difficult because of the attitude of complaining when we have to implement in privation. We teach them living hope, so they know that after this life of hard work, they will receive eternal life and rest in infinity of Abraham, the righteous.
The lifestyle of the rich man is written in verse 19, "dressed in purple and fine linen, and everyday life fared sumptuously.” American Christian working as a researcher at a French laboratory, noticed that all his colleagues who have finished their great school, lived a very easygoing life. Really with all their individual, familial and social life, nothing was missing. Then they lead their lives every day happily and brightly. Without God, they live very well. When we talk to these people, God and his hope, they do not care. What are needs of spiritual things when everything goes well? But we must know that the end of this kind of life is destruction of the soul and eternal suffering in the flames.
But not only these Polytechnicians, but this way of life is for thousands of other ordinary people themselves. They feel in the skin when they live in the world. The things of the world meet them perfectly. The pleasure it provides to them seem sublime and delectable. They say, "C'est si bon!” But be it known that this kind of lifestyle leads to destruction, as this chain of discharge in Toy Story.
Who is the one who turns to the kingdom of God? He is the one who works diligently in the world, but he does not find his place in the world where he can stand properly. He who does not fit perfectly in the world. This is one for whom the world does not appear somewhere as his place of fixed habitation. This is the type oriented to the kingdom of God. One who can never get used to the world, for whom life is foreign, who feels that the world is unfamiliar, est the one destinated to the kingdom of God. In contrast, one who are happy with the world and for whom the world is too good, life is too beautiful, too beautiful, too fun, so when he dies he has regrettably no place to live. The world is not our home. They say that life is a pilgrimage. The citizen of the kingdom of God means that this world is not his home. Whoever loves the world too much, we can not say otherwise than that he has no faith in the celestial kingdom. Whoever said "the world is so good, it's going to live a thousand years, two thousand years" is not a citizen of the kingdom of God. An American sociologistinvented a word amortalité to indicate the mentality of men who live without feeling anylife age; This is not immortality, but amortalité, which ignores the age until death. He grew up, live all the youth, and old age leading a constant lifestyle, after which he died peacefully. They have all the care and all the exercises to keep their body in shape. But those who live amortels like it are all, obviously signify they are not prepared for death, and all go in the same place as this rich mane in our story.
This sense of a stranger in this world can feel even in the small child. Phoebe Bartlett, 4 year old child is an example. She was born in 1731 at the time of the great American revival of Jonathan Edward. After hearing the testimony of his brother who had been converted at the age of 11, she has gone several times in a locked closet to pray. She once said to his mother, crying: I'm afraid to go to hell. But his mother tried to console: No, my girl, you do not go, because you are a good girl, prays every day, hoping that God comes, and so on. but failed to calm her. She wept continuously. Then after a while, suddenly, the girl raised her head and smiled and said: "The kingdom of God came to me ..." After this event, one night, she was in bed and called a cousin who was in the same room, as if she wanted him to say a few words and when he came, Phoebe tells him that heaven was better than earth. In another occasion, she told her mother that she had to talk to his sisters and when the mother told her what she wanted to tell them, she said they must pray and prepare for death, and they had little time to live in this world and they should be always ready.
The great moment of awakening had its sign in a small child's mouth, when she felt better in heaven than on earth and she must prepare for the sky in prayer.
When the Holy Spirit comes and changes our constitution originally oriented to the earth to the constitution of a citizen of heaven, we come to pay our more attention to other souls. We begin to feel sorry for our fellow man and cry for them and pray for them, as again this Phoebe crying one day each to his sisters: Oh Poor Nabby! Oh poor Eunice! Oh poor Amy! At the request of why these tears, she said, because I'm afraid they go to hell. But, if we have in our heart the love of world, our amour toward one soul will cool down easily, which is very logic, like mixed ore lost rapidly it’s brillance.
Jesus told the rich man that it’s not worth that Lazarus go to his brothers because they had Moses and the Prophets. If they do not accept the Bible, he says, they will not accept either the testimony, even if the deceased returned to them alive. In logic, there is the term necessary condition and that sufficient condition. For example, in the geometry, (ppt3) when we told "ABCD is a parallelogram, it is a necessary condition for" ABCD is a rhombus. "That is to say, if ABCD is a rhombus, ABCD is a parallelogram necessarily. (ppt4) But when we say, "ABCD is a square" is a sufficient condition for ABCD is a rhombus, that is to say, a square is always a rhumbus. What Jesus says is that the existence or possession of the Bible is a necessary condition that they may have salvation. To be a sufficient condition, there must have the part of man, that is to say, the ears that listen and the heart that is willing. That is why Abraham said, "If they hear not Moses and the Prophet, they will not let persuade, even if someone rises from the dead. "Whoever does not listen don’t listen however, and whoever listens listen finally.
In conclusion, if we study John 9, the disciples, seeing a man born blind, said to Jesus, "Who sinned?” According to the psychology of all people, the disciples associated this illness or misfortune to hidden sin somewhere. This mental phenomenon is called "causal association". The Buddhists say that this misfortune has its origin in the evil they committed in their previous life. The disciples combine the suffering of a blind to sin either of himself or of his parents. But for Jesus, there is no such logic. The logic of Jesus is not as complicated as that. Jesus did not condemn even the woman who was caught in committing adultery. Men are apt to condemn according to their logic that any fault shouldn’t be remain unrepaired. But everything that happens on earth does not follow this logic of cause and effect in the eyes of Jesus. For God, there is only one valid logic - it is very simple - those who live well in this world suffer and those who suffer in this evil world live well in the sky.
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