2 Corinthiens 5 :20-6 :1-2
Un berger du pays étranger m’a vu un jour et m’a dit avec un regard de pitié : Oh, combien est-il difficile pour toi d’être un berger à Paris ? » A la pensée d’aucun fruit de conversion autochtone et des fruits seulement dans des personnes qui avaient déjà un arrière-plan chrétien durant ces 10 dernières années du ministère de Paris justifie les dires de ce berger.
Dans le filme d’un homme et une femme où Jean Luc Traittignan a joué un rôle masculin principal, le personnage principal féminin a une relation sexuelle avec cet homme. Le mari de la première a été décédé pendant le ski et elle a une fille. Elle rencontre l’homme qui est devenu aussi veuf. Pendant la relation sexuelle, la femme a eu un sentiment de remords à l’égard de son mari défunt et dit adieu à l’homme et monte dans le train à la destination de Paris vers la fin du filme. L’homme, coureur de la piste de formule 1, pédale le champignon et attend à la gare où le train doit arriver et là la femme s’embarrasse avec l’homme, en laissant le questionnement aux spectateurs sur l’avenir de ce couple. Le filme si romantique et beau de la marque française a contribué à la libéralisation mondiale des mœurs. Si nous analysons le synopsis de ce filme, nous constatons que le cœur de la femme a changé à un moment donné pendant sont trajet du province à la capitale. Et cette capitale s’appelle Paris. Les mœurs de Paris est bien différents de ceux du province. A Paris, tout est permis et tout se déroule dans l’anonymat. C’est la ville de Cancan du Moulin Rouge. C’est crazy.Revenant au filme, la femme avait un certain remords de son infidélité envers sons mari défunt. Mais à vrai dire, il a ce remords d’avoir une relation sexuelle avant le mariage. Mais la femme ne s’était pas repenti de cette relation et finalement en entrant à Paris, son cœur se laisse embrasser par les bras de quelqu’un habillé en noir appelé Mal (je dis symboliquement. Je me suis demandé que si cette femme avait étudié la Bible au moins un ans, sa vie n’aurait pas été changé ou sauvé plutôt ?)
La rage des mœurs libéralisées est désastreuse. Les mains noirs de Satan se sont étendues en démolissant les vies en pêle-mêle. Que pouvons-nous faire devant cette rage ? Mais, dans ce combat de Dieu, tous nos collaborateurs qui gardent la foi sont comme les réservoirs d’eaux impétueuses.Il y a même des couples qui se sont mariés, même sans regarder le visage de future conjoint. C’est une mouvement anachronique ou contre-courant de la génération X. Maintenant, c’est le moment où nous devons ouvrir l’écluse de ces réservoirs pour submerger ce malin vêtu en noir et faire arrêter sa rage ravageuse dans cette ville.
Certains de nos collaborateurs m’ont demandé comment as-tu fait pour qu’il y ait une oeuvre de Dieu peu ordinaire de cette conférence du printemps. D’où as-tu appris ce programme de symposium ?Pour répondre à ces question et par rapport à ce mot : Maintenant dans ma paragraphe précédente, il me paraît judicieux de vous dire de nouveau, sans rien retoucher, le message du pain Quotidien d’il y a quelque jours qui sera révélateur de mon cœur pendant la préparation de la conférence.
Paul dit qu’il ne faut pas recevoir la grâce de Dieu en vin, car il dit : Au temps favorable je t’ai exaucé, au jour du salut, je t’ai secouru. Voici maintenant le temps vraiment favorable, voici maintenant le jour du salut. »
L’homme a pour tendance de penser que maintenant, ce n’est pas le temps si favorable, et d’attendre un moment plus favorable. Puis il précise que cette faveur venait de Dieu et celle venant de Dieu est celle pour le salut. En effet, Jésus avait dit une fois à ses frères qui l’incitèrent à monter à Jérusalem à la fête des Juifs : le moment n’est pas encore venu pour moi, mais pour vous le moment est toujours opportuns. Par exemple, pour les affaires ou pour le études ou pour la promotion, chacun peut se dire que c’est maintenant, sinon je raterai la chance. Mais Paul dit que pour le salut, c’est le meilleur moment.
Il semble que toutes les conditions ne sont pas encore mures pour ça. Si nous voyons la situation actuelle avec une certaine myope, cela semble être vrai. Il semble que les gens ne sont pas encore assez bien préparés. Leur cœur ne sont pas encore prêt, à accepter l’Evangile. Nous n’avons pas assez d’argent ; nous n’avons pas encore assez de diplômés. Nous n’avons pas encore assez de nombre de gens prêts à partir etc. Mais pour Paul, c’est à ce moment de l’insuffisance que nous devons nous apprêter à partir, car c’est le meilleur moment.
Vous vous dites : « Notre conférence est pendant les vacances. Vous vous dites, « Et bien, l’année scolaire s’approche déjà de sa fin. Que peut-on faire ? A ce moment-là, nous devons écouter Paul qui nous dit : Voici maintenant le temps vraiment favorable, voici maintenant le jour du salut.
Pour cela, nous devons surmonter notre esprit de calcul. Pour Philippe, ce n’était vraiment pas le bon moment de nourrir la foule, car il lui manquait vraiment le moyen pour cela. L’esprit du monde est si calculateur, qu’il y a même entre les parents et la parenté, le calcul sans scrupule. Mais Jésus exhorta les disciples à s’occuper de la foule sans calcul et à la nourrir, maintenant.
Quant à vos brebis, vous dites-vous qu’elle ne sont pas encore prêtes ? Mais c’est le meilleur moment de les inviter pour la première fois et de nouveau, si une d’elles a refusé déjà une fois. Si elle a retardé à accepter l’évangile, c’est maintenant qu’elle accepte l’Evangile. Si elle a retardé sa repentance de péché, c’est maintenant qu’elle se repent de ses péchés et être sauvées. Si elle a retardé à accepter la mission pour les jeûnes du pays, c’est maintenant qui est le meilleur moment. Le fait que Paul dit que c’est maintenant, ce n’est pas théoriquement qu’on y pense, mais Paul le dit pour que ses collaborateurs à Corinthe défient par la foi maintenant malgré beaucoup d’obstacles.
En effet les obstacles pour Paul étaient innombrables. Si nous ne voyons que les obstacles, nous ne pouvons pas avoir la foi ni défier. Comme LIKE prévoit une nouvelle entreprise des affaires, je suis allé voir les magasins concurrents dans le banlieue, alors vu les prix de tellement bas des marchandises qui sont arrivées de l’outre-mer, M. Rébecca et moi ont été vite découragés. En effet, j’ai été vite découragé, mais M. Rébecca non. Elle disait que si on fait ceci ou cela, ça va marcher. Donc je me suis repenti de mon manque de foi. Il en est de même pour l’œuvre de Dieu. M. Rébecca était toujours avant moi pour surmonter les obstacles. Puis elle a gagné pas mal de combat dans l’œuvre de Dieu jusqu’à maintenant. Je peut le dire parce qu’elle n’est pas là aujourd’hui à cause de son voyage d’affaires en Corée.
En fait, les obstacles pour Paul qui servait l’œuvre de Dieu était non seulement innombrables, mais aussi très grandes. Les tribulations, les privations, les angoisse, les coups, les prisons, les émeutes, les travaux, les veilles et les jeûnes, etc. Devant la difficulté ou les obstacles insurmontables, l’homme est tenté à se résigner ou se compromettre, en prenant le chemin plus facile ou le chemin de détour. Mais s’il en est ainsi, il ne se trouve pas très honnête devant Dieu. Il se sent honteux. Mais Paul était différent. Il gardait la pureté jusqu’au bout dans son service. Il ne se résignait pas, ni se compromettait. Il défiait les difficultés et les obstacles par la foi et rendait gloire à Dieu par sa victoire.
Il est important toujours de se trouver honnête devant Dieu. Paul l’exprime avec le mot : recommandable, sinon même si nous ne serons pas objets de blâme des autres, nous serons objets de blâme devant Dieu. Paul était toujours pur, sincère, patient et bon, plein d’amour en laçant le combat offensif et défensif. Si nous disons, pourquoi pas, essayons encore une fois, nous perdront rien, une telle tentative sans foi est peu sincère, ni trop pur devant Dieu. Dieu ne nous répondra pas. Mais quand nous avons prié sincèrement Dieu, il ne manque pas de venir nous répondre.
Quand tous les collaborateurs de l’ancien centre de Paris s’écriaient à chaque réunion : Eric pour France, Dieu avait travaillé puissamment pour que ce candidat de prêtre voit son péché et s’en repente et accepte la mission de Dieu. Vraiment, si je vois nos frères et sœurs, je ne peux m’empêcher de constater qu’au temps favorable, Dieu nous a exaucé, et au jour du salut Dieu nous a secouru. Donc, persévérons, nos frères et sœurs, en vue d’apporter le salut dans ce monde. Prions qu’à cette conférence, le Dieu qui a amené le salut à nous autrefois, amène encore son salut à Daylène par son témoignage, à Laura par son témoignage, à Virgile par sa participation, à Marie-Sophie par sa participation à la danse, à Jonas par son témoignage, et à Sun Young par l’écoute des témoignages des autres, etc. et même à une nouvelle brebis inconnue que nous invitons pour l’étude biblique et les messages.
En conclusion, je voudrais répéter une fois encore, servir une brebis, inviter une brebis, en menant mes tâches très lourdes : études, affaires, travail, etc, me semble impossible. Mais c’est maintenant que nous pouvons défier et réussir. C’est pour la gloire divine qui se manifestera pour le salut des âmes, c’est maintenant qui est le meilleur moment. Voici le message du PQ de 12 avril 2011.
Récemment, j’ai eu l’occasion de lire 1 livre d’un certain théologien anglais appelé Bruning qui commence son livre par une sorte de témoignage. Comme son domaine de recherche touchait, dit-il, à l’économie, il se mit à lire beaucoup de livres classique de l’économie tel Richesse des nations d’Adam Smith et à faire l’entretien avec beaucoup d’économistes. Or, il dit qu’au fil du temps, ce qui l’a étonné était double, d’abord parce qu’il a trouvé que parmi ces économistes, rares étaient ceux qui avaient lu les livres classique de l’économie et ensuite que ces économistes étaient extrêmement concentré à l’état actuelle en négligeant le passé. Il dit aussi avec une certaine fierté que le théologien qu’il était est la personne qui scrute l’histoire pour en tirer le sens et l’appliquer au monde actuel. Selon lui, l’intérêt exclusif des économistes est d’améliorer l’économie présente du pays par le moyen efficient et des stratégies rentables quelque soit son passé. Cela nous paraît évident.
Cette tendance des économistes centrée sur l’actualité nous fait pourtant réfléchir. Elle est comparable à une église qui mobilise tous les moyens audiovisuel ultra moderne ayant pour but de faire augmenter en tout état de cause le nombre de ses fidèles.Alors, les autres églises à tendance conservative ou fondamentaliste se mettent à la critiquer en disant que ses membres sont un peu comme les bidons qui n’ont pas de contenu.
Mais, arrêtons-nous un peu pour y réfléchir.Je pense qu’il est judicieux pour nous d’être un peu plus objectifs, car selon la parole de ce matin, la Bible s’accentue de façon excessive sur l’actualité. Dieu lui-même met un énorme accent sur l’état actuel des choses. J’en parlerai encore un peu plus tard.
D’abord, regardons le verset 1. « Puisque nous travaillons ensemble, nous nous exhortons à ne pas recevoir la grâce de Dieu en vain. » Ici, Paul parle du passa. Il semble que les Corinthiens avaient ou venaient de recevoir la grâce de Dieu. Quelle grâce ? En grec, grâce est caris. Le mot Kara en grec qui vient de cette racine signifie joie. Donc, quand on reçoit la grâce, on est joyeux. Ce n’est pourtant pas un sentiment agréable du moment passager, mais une joie constante venant de la grâce du pardon et du salut.
Autrefois ou jusqu’à maintenant, une âme a été appesanti sous le joug du sentiment coupable du péché. Mais Jésus entra dans sa vie et l’enleva afin qu’elle soit libre. Jésus lui a pardonné tous ses péchés et l’affranchit parfaitement. Mais Paul veut prolonger cette expérience du passé au présent et au futur. Il souhaite que cette grâce immuable qu’on a reçu ne soit pas anéanti ni amoindri mais soit continuelle.
Si nous relisons ce verset avec le cœur de prière, nous trouvons que garder la grâce est une tâche assez difficile, mais qu’il nous faut absolument la garder proprement.Ce verset nous dit l’importance de la collaboration, car Paul dit, « nous travaillons ensemble » Chacun pourra dire : Eh bien, je garderai ma grâce par ma lutte personnelle. » Il se trompe. Jamais, la grâce ne sera gardée par sa lutte personnelle. C’est un très important point qui nous en dit long dans cette époque où nous vivons de tendance individualiste.
Après la conférence du printemps où nous avons trouvé que la grâce envers nous n’était pas moindre et au sujet de laquelle certains disaient que Dieu a versé une grâce extraordinaire, nous devons nous efforcer de nous collaborer les uns envers les autres. Alors, Dieu, non seulement nous aidera à maintenant la grâce, mais aussi la fera augmenter constamment, en nous faisant goûter de jour en jour une plus grande joie venant du ciel.
Donc, l’œuvre du passé, nous ne devons pas l’oublier, mais nous en souvenir. Mais la Bible prohibe le réminiscence ou la stagnation. Elle exhorte le progrès et l’avancement continuel. Ainsi, elle met l’accent sur le présent et l’avenir. La grâce du pardon dans le passé peut venir individuellement et elle est par nature personnelle. Mais la grâce du présent et du future vient de l’église, la communauté des saints qui ont la même expérience et la partagent entre eux.
Maintenant, revenons au mot : maintenant.Le verset 2a dit, « Car il dit : Au temps favorable je t’ai exaucé, au jour du salut, je t’ai secouru. » Si nous lisons jusqu’à maintenant, nous pouvons nous dire qu’on ne sait pas quel moment est favorable pour que Dieu nous sauve. Donc, il vaut mieux confier tout à Dieu. Mais l’interprétation de Paul de ce verset prophétique est différente. Le salut et le secours de Dieu est d’une actualité flagrante pour ce serviteur de Dieu.
De ce type était ce grand serviteur considéré dans l’histoire de protestantisme comme père de la mission moderne appelé William Carey qui disait : « Tentez de grandes choses pour Dieu et espérez de grandes choses de Dieu. » Carey ne restait pas dans la réminiscence, il n’était pas non plus futuriste. Il tentait toujours quelque chose de grand pour Dieu, car il savait que Dieu peut travailler puissamment maintenant.
Paul dit donc, « Voici, maintenant le temps vraiment favorable, voici maintenant le jour du salut. » Autrement dit, pour Dieu, le temps est toujours favorable, une fois que son enfant se courbe devant lui humblement et prie. Il s’apprête tout le temps à exaucer sa prière. Chaque jour est le jour de salut et il s’apprête à secourir son enfant, quand celui-ci est dans l’angoisse, dès qu’il vent ver lui et crie : « au secours. »
Le concept du temps des humains est par nature très faussé. Ainsi, il gaspillent beaucoup de temps. Si on est jeune, il semble qu’il y a beaucoup de temps. Mais en fait, ce n’est pas vraiment le cas.Celui qui était à l’école maternelle est devenu aujourd’hui un élève du lycée. A peine finit-on le lycée, on est déjà à l’âge du mariage. Demain, il sera à la retraite. Un jeune homme dit à son père (ce n’est pas dans notre pays) : j’ai mon propre chemin. Si je suis trop astreint, où sera ma vie ? Mais il le dit parce qu’il ne connaît pas la vérité. Il faut qu’il sache que son père s’intéresse beaucoup à sa vie. Il nous faut avoir le vrai concept du temps que nous ne trouvons que selon Dieu.
Par-dessus tout, ici Paul souligne l’actualité du salut. Si vous me permettez, je répéterai que Dieu veut maintenant la collaboration de ses saints, afin que le salut arrive dans ce pays et à ses habitants. Même si les mœurs de ce pays paraissent très défaits, et que les habitants libéraux déchristianisés, c’est maintenant que l’œuvre du salut va se produire parmi eux. Même si nous sommes écervelés – je trouve que la parole de Samuel de Mitspa peut se relativiser, dans la mesure où nous pensons qu’il faut d’abord nous repentir absolument avant qu’il y ait l’œuvre puissante de Dieu, mais en réalité, nous pouvons réaliser l’œuvre du salut auprès d’une brebis, tant que j’obéis à ce mot : maintenant va, quoi que je sois en ce moment plein de péché –, maintenant Dieu peut venir sur nous par son Esprit puissant. Si vous avez reçu une grâce dans vos cœurs récemment, ne ratez pas ce moment précieux que Dieu vous a donné. Ne le laissez pas aller, mais saisissez le et mette au rendement maximum pour Dieu. Dans le voyage du pèlerin, Satan essaie d’éteindre la flamme dans une chambre, mais elle ne s’éteint pas, ce qui rend le voyageur curieux. Mais quand il va de l’autre côté du mur, il comprend, car Jésus verse sans cesse l’huile de derrière. Une fois quand il rendit visite à notre église, Dr. John Jun a dit le tuyau de pétrole d’Alaska pour expliquer le canal de l’Esprit Saint. Je vous dis que tant que vous êtes sauvés par le sang de Jésus que vous recevez, vous ne serez jamais écartés du salut offert par lui. Mais attention, votre vie actuel se qualifie par quelle ardeur a cette flamme et celle se détermine non par Jésus, car il verse sans cesse son huile et il en est volontaire. Mais le trou. Ce trou du bas de mur. C’est comme le tuyau d’Alaska. Et selon la théologie de Paul, c’est l’église, la communauté des saints. Si vous vous éloignez de l’église, ce trou se rétreindra à votre insu. Donc, élargissez ce trou, afin que votre flamme ne cesse de brûler. Jésus ressuscité entrera triomphalement en vous. Vous pouvez vous débrouillez seul en ce concerne les études, l’éducation des enfants, la recherche du travail, etc. Mais vous ne pourrez jamais vous débrouiller seul en ce concerne la croissance spirituelle de vous, vos enfants et vos brebis. Pour l’individualiste que nous sommes et dans l’individualisme auquel nous sommes habitués, ce peut paraître une sentence radicale, je le sais, mais je ne peux dire autrement en tant que gardien des âmes de Dieu, car Dieu ne veut travailler que de cette façon. Fréquentez l’église vous présenter parmi l’assemblée de Dieu et en y venant, jouissez du visage des saints, et n’hésitez pas de confier vos difficultés à votre pasteur, car il est là pour cela, alors, vos fils et vos filles maintiendront la grâce et, s’il y en a, leur décision de foi, et grandiront comme Joël l’avait dit, jusqu’à ce qu’ils prophétiseront. Et vous-mêmes triompherons du donjon de Satan de ce monde en ramenant beaucoup d’âmes à Dieu comme victime expiatoire, et ce maintenant à ce jour ! Alléluia !
2 Corinthians 5 :20-6 :1-2
A shepherd of the foreign country saw me one day and told me with a look of pity: "Oh, how difficult is it for you to be a shepherd in Paris? "At the thought of any indigenous fruits of conversion and fruit only in people who already had a Christian background during the past 10 years of ministry in Paris justifies the words of the shepherd.
In the film of a man and a woman when Jean Luc Traittignan played a male principal caractor, the main female character has sex with this man. The first husband was dead during skiing and has one daughter. She meets the man who has become also a widow. During intercourse, the woman had a sense of remorse regarding her deceased husband and said farewell to the man and get on the train to Paris at the end of film. The man, rider of Formula 1 track, accelerated the car and waits at the station where the train must arrive and the woman embarrassed with the man, leaving the audience question the future of this couple . The film is so romantic and beautiful of the French brand has contributed to the global liberalization of morals. If we look at the synopsis of this film, we see that the woman's heart was changed at some point during the trip from the province to the capital. And this capital is called Paris. The moeurs of Paris is very different from those of the province. In Paris, anything goes and everything is anonymous. The city of Cancan of Moulin Rouge. It’s crazy. Coming again to the film, the woman had some remorse for his infidelity to her deceased husband. But in truth, he has this remorse for having sex before marriage. But the woman had not repented of this relationship and finally coming to Paris, his heart is open to embrace in the arms of someone dressed in black called Mal (I say symbolically. I wondered if this woman had studied the Bible at least one years, his life was not changed or saved instead?)
The rage of liberalized mœurs is disastrous. The black hands of Satan have extended lives in demolishing the pell-mell. What can we do about this rage? But in this fight of God, all our employees who keep the faith are like impetuous water tanks. There are even couples who are married, even without looking at the face of future spouse. It is an anachronistic movement or against the current of Generation X. Now is the moment when we must open the lock of these tanks to submerge this devil dressed in black and arrest its devastating rage in this city.
Some of our colleagues have asked me how did you do for there to be a work of God in this unusual spring conference. Where did you learn this program symposium from? To answer these questions and in relation to the word Now in my previous paragraph, it seems appropriate to tell you again, without reediting, the message of Daily Bread some days ago which will reveal my heart for the preparation of the conference.
Paul says do not receive the grace of God in vain, for he says: In favorable time I have heard you on the day of salvation I helped you. Now the time's favor, now is the day of salvation. "
The man has a tendency to think that now is not so favorable time, and wait a moment more favorable. Then he said that this favor came from God and from God is for salvation. In fact, Jesus once said to his brothers that supposed him to go to Jerusalem at the feast of the Jews: the time has not yet come for me but for you the time is always opportune. For example, for business or for studies or for the promotion, anyone can say it is now, otherwise I will miss the chance. But Paul said that for the salvation, now it's the best time.
It seems that all the conditions are not yet ripe for that. If we see the current situation with some short-sightedness, it seems to be true. It seems that people are not yet adequately prepared. Their heart is not yet ready to accept the Gospel. We do not have enough money, we have not enough graduates. We have not enough number of people ready to go etc.. But for Paul, that's in the insufficient time that we must prepare to leave, because it is the best time.
You say: "Our conference is during the holidays. You say, "Well, the school year is already approaching its end. What can we do? At this point, we must listen to Paul who says: Now is the time really favorable, now is the day of salvation.
For this, we must overcome our spirit of calculation. For Philip, it was really not a good time to feed the crowd, because he really missed the opportunity for this. The spirit of world is so calculating, it happens even between parents and kin, ruthless calculation. Jesus exhorted his disciples to address the crowd without calculation and feed now.
As for your sheep, you say that you are not yet ready? But it is the best time to invite them for the first time and again, if one of them has already refused once. If it has delayed accepting the gospel, now it accepts the Gospel. If it has delayed his repentance of sin it is now that she repents of his sins and be saved. If it has delayed accepting the mission to the country's youth, now is the best time. The fact that Paul says it is now, it is not theoretically he thinks about, but Paul says that his coworkers at Corinth challenge now by faith despite many obstacles.
Indeed, the obstacles were for Paul innumerable. If we see only the obstacles, we can not have faith or challenge. As LIKE has a new shop, I went to see the competing stores in the suburbs, then saw the price so low for goods that arrived from overseas. Rebecca and I were quickly discouraged. In fact, I was quickly discouraged, but not Rebecca. She said that if we did this or that, it will work. So I repented of my lack of faith. It is the same for God's work. Mr. Rebecca was always before me to overcome obstacles. Then she won a lot of fight in God's work. I can tell because she is not here today because of his business trip to Korea.
In fact, barriers to Paul, who served as God's work was not only numerous but also very large. Tribulations, privations, fear, beatings, prisons, riots, work, vigils and fasts, etc.. Given the difficulty or obstacles insurmountable, the man is trying to reconcile or compromise himself, taking the easier path or detour road. But if so, it is not very honest to God. He feels ashamed. But Paul was different. He kept the purity in his service to the end. He did not resign nor be compromised. He defied the difficulties and obstacles by faith and glorified God by her victory.
It is important always to be honest before God. Paul expresses it with the word recommandable. Even if we will not be blameful for other objects, we will be objects of blame to God. Paul was always pure, sincere, patient and kind, loving, tying the struggle offensively and defensively. If we say, why not try again, we lose nothing, by this trial without faith is insincere nor pure before God. God does not answer. But when we prayed earnestly God, he does not fail to come meet us.
When all the coworkers of the old center of Paris shouted at each meeting Eric for France, God had worked powerfully for this candidate of priest sees his sin and repent and accept God's mission. Really, if I see our brothers and sisters, I can not help noting that favorable time, God has answered, and the day of salvation God has rescued. So persevere, our brothers and sisters, to bring salvation in this world. Let us pray that this conference, the God that brought salvation to us once, still brings his salvation to Daylen by his testimony, to Laura by her testimony, Virgile by its participation, Marie-Sophie through participation in dance , Jonas by his testimony, and Sun Young by listening to testimonies of others, etc.. and even unknown to a new sheep that we invite for Bible study and messages.
In conclusion, I would like to repeat once again serve as a sheep, invite a sheep, carrying my heavy tasks: education, business, labor, etc., seems impossible. But now we can compete and succeed. That's the glory of God that will manifest for the salvation of souls, now is the best time. Here is the message of PQ April 12, 2011.
Recently I had occasion to read a book from a certain English theologian called Bruning who begins his book with a sort of testimony. As his research area affected, he said, the economy, he began to read many classical books of economics as Wealth of Nations of Adam Smith and to interview with many economists. However, he said that over time, what has surprised was twofold, first because he found that among economists, few people had read the classic books of the economy and then that these economists were highly concentrated at the current state neglecting the past. He also says with some pride that the theologian like him is a person who searches history to draw meaning and apply it to today's world. He said the exclusive interest of economists is to improve the economy of this country by efficient means and valuable strategies regardless of their past. This seems obvious.
This tendency of economists focused on nom makes us yet think about. It is comparable to a church that mobilizes all means ultra modern audio-visual aiming to raise in any case the number of faithfuls. Then, other churches having conservative or fundamentalist trend began to criticize it, saying that his members are like the cans that have no content.
But let us pause a bit to réfléchir. I think it is wise for us to be a little more objective, because in the words of this morning, the Bible is accentuating excessively on now. God himself puts a huge emphasis on the current state of things. I speak a little later.
First, look at verse 1a. "As we work together, we urge not to receive the grace of God in vain. » Here, Paul speaks of the past. It seems that the Corinthians had or had just received the grace of God. What grace? In Greek, grace is karis. The word in Greek that Kara comes from this root means joy. So when we receive grace, we are happy.This is not a nice feeling of fleeting moment, but a constant joy from the grace of forgiveness and salvation.
Once or until now, a soul was weighed down under the yoke of guilty feeling of sin. But Jesus entered his life and took him to be free. Jesus has forgiven all his sins and freed perfectly. But Paul wants to extend that experience from past to present and future. He hopes that this unchanging grace we have received is not destroyed nor diminished but is continuing.
If we read this verse with the heart of prayer, we find that keeping the pardon is a difficult task, but we absolutely must keep it proprement. This verse tells us the importance of collaboration, as Paul says, " we work together "Everyone will say: Well, I will keep my grace through my personal struggle. He is mistaken. Ever, grace will be guarded by her personal struggle. It is a very important point that speaks greatly in this day and age of individualistic trend.
After the Spring Conference where we found the grace to us was not insignicant and on which some said that God has provided an extraordinary grace, we must strive to cowork each other. So, God not only help us to have the grace now, but also it will increase constantly, making us enjoy every day a greater joy from heaven.
So, the work of the past, we must not forget, but we remember it. But the Bible prohibits reminiscence or stagnation. She urged the continual progress and advancement. Thus, it focuses on the present and the future. The grace of forgiveness in the past can come individually and it is personal by nature. But the grace of the present and future comes from the church, the community of saints who have the same experience and share them.
Now back to the word: now. The verse 2 says, "For he said: In favorable time I have heard you on the day of salvation I helped you. "If we read so far, we can say we do not know what timing is right for God to save us. So it is better to entrust everything to God. But Paul's interpretation of this prophetic verse is different. Salvation and God's help is a constantly ‘now’ for this servant of God.
Of this type was considered this great servant in the history of Protestantism as the father of modern mission named William Carey who said: "Try to do great things for God and expect great things from God. "Carey did not stay in reminiscence, he was not futuristic. He always tried something great for God, for he knew that God can work mightily now.
So Paul says, "Behold, now time's favor, now is the day of salvation. In other words, for God, time is always positive, once her child is bent humbly before him and pray. It is about all the time to fulfill his prayer. Every day is the day of salvation and he is about to rescue his son when he is in anguish, as soon as he ccmes to him and shout: "Help. "
The concept of time humans are by nature very distorted. So he wasted much time. If you're young, it seems there is a lot of time. But in fact, it's not really cas. Man who was in kindergarten is now a high school student. Just finished high school there, we are already at the age of marriage. Tomorrow he will retire. A young man tells his father (not in our country): I have my own way. If I am compelled too, where will my life? But he says because he does not know the truth. He must know that his father is very interested in his life. We must have the true concept of time that we find only in God.
Above all, Paul emphasizes here the now of salvation. If I may, I repeat that God now wants the coworking of his saints, so that salvation arrives in the country and its people. Even if the morals of this country look very defeated, and the inhabitants dechristianized and liberalized, now is the time when the work of salvation will happen among them. Even if we are brainless - I find that the word of Samuel Mizpah may be relativized, since we believe that we must first repent before there is absolutely the powerful work of God, but Actually, we can accomplish the work of salvation of a sheep, as I obey the word, « now go », whatever I am now full of sin - now God can come to us by his powerful Spirit. If you received a grace in your hearts recently, do not miss this precious time that God gave you. Do not let it go, but do it enter and put the maximum yield for God. In the Pilgrim's Progress, Satan tries to extinguish the flame in a room, but it does not turn off, making the curious traveler. But when he goes to the other side of the wall, he understands, for Jesus pours incessantly oil behind. Once when he visited our church, Dr. John Jun said the oil pipe from Alaska to explain the channel of the Holy Spirit. I tell you that if you have been saved by the blood of Jesus that you receive, you'll never strayed from the salvation offered by him. But beware, your current life is qualified by what has this flame and that is determined not by Jesus, because he always pours his oil and he is voluntary for it, but the hole. This hole in the bottom wall is the question. It's like the Alaskan pipe. And according to Paul's theology, it is the church, the community of saints. If you leave the church, this hole will shrink without your knowledge. Therefore, widen the hole so that your flame keeps burning. Risen Jesus triumphantly enters into you. You're doing this alone for studies, education of children, job search, etc.. But you can never manage on your own with regard to the spiritual growth of you, your children and sheep. For we are individualistic and live in the individualism in which we are accustomed, this sentence may seem radical, I know, but I can not say otherwise as the guardian of souls to God, because God does not work other than this way. Attending the church to present among the congregation of God and from there, enjoy the faces of saints, and do not hesitate to confide your problems to your pastor because he is there for that, then your son and your daughters maintain the grace and, if any, their decision of faith, and grow like Joel had said, until they shall prophesy. And yourselves triumph Satan's donjon of this world in bringing many souls to God as sacrifice of propitiation, and this now and today! Hallelujah!
2 Corinthians 5 :20-6 :1-2
A shepherd of the foreign country saw me one day and told me with a look of pity: "Oh, how difficult is it for you to be a shepherd in Paris? "At the thought of any indigenous fruits of conversion and fruit only in people who already had a Christian background during the past 10 years of ministry in Paris justifies the words of the shepherd.
In the film of a man and a woman when Jean Luc Traittignan played a male principal caractor, the main female character has sex with this man. The first husband was dead during skiing and has one daughter. She meets the man who has become also a widow. During intercourse, the woman had a sense of remorse regarding her deceased husband and said farewell to the man and get on the train to Paris at the end of film. The man, rider of Formula 1 track, accelerated the car and waits at the station where the train must arrive and the woman embarrassed with the man, leaving the audience question the future of this couple . The film is so romantic and beautiful of the French brand has contributed to the global liberalization of morals. If we look at the synopsis of this film, we see that the woman's heart was changed at some point during the trip from the province to the capital. And this capital is called Paris. The moeurs of Paris is very different from those of the province. In Paris, anything goes and everything is anonymous. The city of Cancan of Moulin Rouge. It’s crazy. Coming again to the film, the woman had some remorse for his infidelity to her deceased husband. But in truth, he has this remorse for having sex before marriage. But the woman had not repented of this relationship and finally coming to Paris, his heart is open to embrace in the arms of someone dressed in black called Mal (I say symbolically. I wondered if this woman had studied the Bible at least one years, his life was not changed or saved instead?)
The rage of liberalized mœurs is disastrous. The black hands of Satan have extended lives in demolishing the pell-mell. What can we do about this rage? But in this fight of God, all our employees who keep the faith are like impetuous water tanks. There are even couples who are married, even without looking at the face of future spouse. It is an anachronistic movement or against the current of Generation X. Now is the moment when we must open the lock of these tanks to submerge this devil dressed in black and arrest its devastating rage in this city.
Some of our colleagues have asked me how did you do for there to be a work of God in this unusual spring conference. Where did you learn this program symposium from? To answer these questions and in relation to the word Now in my previous paragraph, it seems appropriate to tell you again, without reediting, the message of Daily Bread some days ago which will reveal my heart for the preparation of the conference.
Paul says do not receive the grace of God in vain, for he says: In favorable time I have heard you on the day of salvation I helped you. Now the time's favor, now is the day of salvation. "
The man has a tendency to think that now is not so favorable time, and wait a moment more favorable. Then he said that this favor came from God and from God is for salvation. In fact, Jesus once said to his brothers that supposed him to go to Jerusalem at the feast of the Jews: the time has not yet come for me but for you the time is always opportune. For example, for business or for studies or for the promotion, anyone can say it is now, otherwise I will miss the chance. But Paul said that for the salvation, now it's the best time.
It seems that all the conditions are not yet ripe for that. If we see the current situation with some short-sightedness, it seems to be true. It seems that people are not yet adequately prepared. Their heart is not yet ready to accept the Gospel. We do not have enough money, we have not enough graduates. We have not enough number of people ready to go etc.. But for Paul, that's in the insufficient time that we must prepare to leave, because it is the best time.
You say: "Our conference is during the holidays. You say, "Well, the school year is already approaching its end. What can we do? At this point, we must listen to Paul who says: Now is the time really favorable, now is the day of salvation.
For this, we must overcome our spirit of calculation. For Philip, it was really not a good time to feed the crowd, because he really missed the opportunity for this. The spirit of world is so calculating, it happens even between parents and kin, ruthless calculation. Jesus exhorted his disciples to address the crowd without calculation and feed now.
As for your sheep, you say that you are not yet ready? But it is the best time to invite them for the first time and again, if one of them has already refused once. If it has delayed accepting the gospel, now it accepts the Gospel. If it has delayed his repentance of sin it is now that she repents of his sins and be saved. If it has delayed accepting the mission to the country's youth, now is the best time. The fact that Paul says it is now, it is not theoretically he thinks about, but Paul says that his coworkers at Corinth challenge now by faith despite many obstacles.
Indeed, the obstacles were for Paul innumerable. If we see only the obstacles, we can not have faith or challenge. As LIKE has a new shop, I went to see the competing stores in the suburbs, then saw the price so low for goods that arrived from overseas. Rebecca and I were quickly discouraged. In fact, I was quickly discouraged, but not Rebecca. She said that if we did this or that, it will work. So I repented of my lack of faith. It is the same for God's work. Mr. Rebecca was always before me to overcome obstacles. Then she won a lot of fight in God's work. I can tell because she is not here today because of his business trip to Korea.
In fact, barriers to Paul, who served as God's work was not only numerous but also very large. Tribulations, privations, fear, beatings, prisons, riots, work, vigils and fasts, etc.. Given the difficulty or obstacles insurmountable, the man is trying to reconcile or compromise himself, taking the easier path or detour road. But if so, it is not very honest to God. He feels ashamed. But Paul was different. He kept the purity in his service to the end. He did not resign nor be compromised. He defied the difficulties and obstacles by faith and glorified God by her victory.
It is important always to be honest before God. Paul expresses it with the word recommandable. Even if we will not be blameful for other objects, we will be objects of blame to God. Paul was always pure, sincere, patient and kind, loving, tying the struggle offensively and defensively. If we say, why not try again, we lose nothing, by this trial without faith is insincere nor pure before God. God does not answer. But when we prayed earnestly God, he does not fail to come meet us.
When all the coworkers of the old center of Paris shouted at each meeting Eric for France, God had worked powerfully for this candidate of priest sees his sin and repent and accept God's mission. Really, if I see our brothers and sisters, I can not help noting that favorable time, God has answered, and the day of salvation God has rescued. So persevere, our brothers and sisters, to bring salvation in this world. Let us pray that this conference, the God that brought salvation to us once, still brings his salvation to Daylen by his testimony, to Laura by her testimony, Virgile by its participation, Marie-Sophie through participation in dance , Jonas by his testimony, and Sun Young by listening to testimonies of others, etc.. and even unknown to a new sheep that we invite for Bible study and messages.
In conclusion, I would like to repeat once again serve as a sheep, invite a sheep, carrying my heavy tasks: education, business, labor, etc., seems impossible. But now we can compete and succeed. That's the glory of God that will manifest for the salvation of souls, now is the best time. Here is the message of PQ April 12, 2011.
Recently I had occasion to read a book from a certain English theologian called Bruning who begins his book with a sort of testimony. As his research area affected, he said, the economy, he began to read many classical books of economics as Wealth of Nations of Adam Smith and to interview with many economists. However, he said that over time, what has surprised was twofold, first because he found that among economists, few people had read the classic books of the economy and then that these economists were highly concentrated at the current state neglecting the past. He also says with some pride that the theologian like him is a person who searches history to draw meaning and apply it to today's world. He said the exclusive interest of economists is to improve the economy of this country by efficient means and valuable strategies regardless of their past. This seems obvious.
This tendency of economists focused on nom makes us yet think about. It is comparable to a church that mobilizes all means ultra modern audio-visual aiming to raise in any case the number of faithfuls. Then, other churches having conservative or fundamentalist trend began to criticize it, saying that his members are like the cans that have no content.
But let us pause a bit to réfléchir. I think it is wise for us to be a little more objective, because in the words of this morning, the Bible is accentuating excessively on now. God himself puts a huge emphasis on the current state of things. I speak a little later.
First, look at verse 1a. "As we work together, we urge not to receive the grace of God in vain. » Here, Paul speaks of the past. It seems that the Corinthians had or had just received the grace of God. What grace? In Greek, grace is karis. The word in Greek that Kara comes from this root means joy. So when we receive grace, we are happy.This is not a nice feeling of fleeting moment, but a constant joy from the grace of forgiveness and salvation.
Once or until now, a soul was weighed down under the yoke of guilty feeling of sin. But Jesus entered his life and took him to be free. Jesus has forgiven all his sins and freed perfectly. But Paul wants to extend that experience from past to present and future. He hopes that this unchanging grace we have received is not destroyed nor diminished but is continuing.
If we read this verse with the heart of prayer, we find that keeping the pardon is a difficult task, but we absolutely must keep it proprement. This verse tells us the importance of collaboration, as Paul says, " we work together "Everyone will say: Well, I will keep my grace through my personal struggle. He is mistaken. Ever, grace will be guarded by her personal struggle. It is a very important point that speaks greatly in this day and age of individualistic trend.
After the Spring Conference where we found the grace to us was not insignicant and on which some said that God has provided an extraordinary grace, we must strive to cowork each other. So, God not only help us to have the grace now, but also it will increase constantly, making us enjoy every day a greater joy from heaven.
So, the work of the past, we must not forget, but we remember it. But the Bible prohibits reminiscence or stagnation. She urged the continual progress and advancement. Thus, it focuses on the present and the future. The grace of forgiveness in the past can come individually and it is personal by nature. But the grace of the present and future comes from the church, the community of saints who have the same experience and share them.
Now back to the word: now. The verse 2 says, "For he said: In favorable time I have heard you on the day of salvation I helped you. "If we read so far, we can say we do not know what timing is right for God to save us. So it is better to entrust everything to God. But Paul's interpretation of this prophetic verse is different. Salvation and God's help is a constantly ‘now’ for this servant of God.
Of this type was considered this great servant in the history of Protestantism as the father of modern mission named William Carey who said: "Try to do great things for God and expect great things from God. "Carey did not stay in reminiscence, he was not futuristic. He always tried something great for God, for he knew that God can work mightily now.
So Paul says, "Behold, now time's favor, now is the day of salvation. In other words, for God, time is always positive, once her child is bent humbly before him and pray. It is about all the time to fulfill his prayer. Every day is the day of salvation and he is about to rescue his son when he is in anguish, as soon as he ccmes to him and shout: "Help. "
The concept of time humans are by nature very distorted. So he wasted much time. If you're young, it seems there is a lot of time. But in fact, it's not really cas. Man who was in kindergarten is now a high school student. Just finished high school there, we are already at the age of marriage. Tomorrow he will retire. A young man tells his father (not in our country): I have my own way. If I am compelled too, where will my life? But he says because he does not know the truth. He must know that his father is very interested in his life. We must have the true concept of time that we find only in God.
Above all, Paul emphasizes here the now of salvation. If I may, I repeat that God now wants the coworking of his saints, so that salvation arrives in the country and its people. Even if the morals of this country look very defeated, and the inhabitants dechristianized and liberalized, now is the time when the work of salvation will happen among them. Even if we are brainless - I find that the word of Samuel Mizpah may be relativized, since we believe that we must first repent before there is absolutely the powerful work of God, but Actually, we can accomplish the work of salvation of a sheep, as I obey the word, « now go », whatever I am now full of sin - now God can come to us by his powerful Spirit. If you received a grace in your hearts recently, do not miss this precious time that God gave you. Do not let it go, but do it enter and put the maximum yield for God. In the Pilgrim's Progress, Satan tries to extinguish the flame in a room, but it does not turn off, making the curious traveler. But when he goes to the other side of the wall, he understands, for Jesus pours incessantly oil behind. Once when he visited our church, Dr. John Jun said the oil pipe from Alaska to explain the channel of the Holy Spirit. I tell you that if you have been saved by the blood of Jesus that you receive, you'll never strayed from the salvation offered by him. But beware, your current life is qualified by what has this flame and that is determined not by Jesus, because he always pours his oil and he is voluntary for it, but the hole. This hole in the bottom wall is the question. It's like the Alaskan pipe. And according to Paul's theology, it is the church, the community of saints. If you leave the church, this hole will shrink without your knowledge. Therefore, widen the hole so that your flame keeps burning. Risen Jesus triumphantly enters into you. You're doing this alone for studies, education of children, job search, etc.. But you can never manage on your own with regard to the spiritual growth of you, your children and sheep. For we are individualistic and live in the individualism in which we are accustomed, this sentence may seem radical, I know, but I can not say otherwise as the guardian of souls to God, because God does not work other than this way. Attending the church to present among the congregation of God and from there, enjoy the faces of saints, and do not hesitate to confide your problems to your pastor because he is there for that, then your son and your daughters maintain the grace and, if any, their decision of faith, and grow like Joel had said, until they shall prophesy. And yourselves triumph Satan's donjon of this world in bringing many souls to God as sacrifice of propitiation, and this now and today! Hallelujah!
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