Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Mark 4 : 35-41 (Daily Bread of 3/11/2017)

Key Verse 4: 39
Fear is one of the biggest problems for humanity. Original sin buried in man is due to rebellion against God, and man has the premonition of God's wrath, hence fear without cause sometimes. But Jesus wants to solve the problem of fear. By the means of faith alone, it is possible.
1. Do not you care about us? (35-38)
Jesus wanted to go to the other side of the sea. It was surely to have a calm time with the disciples. The disciples rejoiced and hastened to send the crowd and quickly procured a boat in which he brought up Jesus. Without delay, in the middle of the lake, it raised a squall. It was because of the cold air that descended through the Jordan Valley to the lake where there was hot air, which made a squall. So, even though they were veterans of the sea, they could not control this unforeseen situation and got stuck. They were afraid. In the life of man, there come always this kind of squalls. We are confident, but at once, an uncontrollable gust rises, making us helpless. The disciples awoke Jesus, and began to reproach him, for he seemed unmindful of them. But whatever Jesus slept, they had to know that he was in the same boat.
2. Where is your faith? (39-41)
Jesus threatened and calmed the storm. He says quiet, still. It was as if he were shouting at the revolting enemy. Often Satan raises misfortune for the man to doubt the love of God. Job was the only person who did not doubt because he was the right man in the eyes of God. By faith, he calmed the storm of his life. Jesus was sorry for their reaction, being not aware of his presence. But Jesus used this episode to expand their faith. Jesus said to them, "Why such a fear? How the absence of your faith like that?" Only when we have faith we can overcome fear. The disciples were astonished at this calmness which came at once by the word of God. The word of the power of Jesus is beyond our imagination. It can calm the storm and it can calm all our fear in the vicissitudes in the path of our life.

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