Friday, November 10, 2017

Marc 6:14-29 (daily bread of 08/11/17)

key verse: 14


The people commit evil just as normal. But God is living and he judges the living and the dead. We see a powerful man anguish because of his sin of the past. 

1. Herod's self-accusation (14-20)

Jesus became very famous because he did many miracles. The people thought that he was John the Baptist risen. One is the king Herod, because in the past he committed a serious sin against him. John the Baptist was the voice of the conscience at this time. No one dared to slander the perverted conduct of the king. But John the Baptist did it. He spoke out to clearly indicate the wickedness of the king. Herod suffered so much because of his unjust act of the past. We all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ to account in detail for his acts, good or bad. No one can escape from God's judgment which will happen the last day. All the people share this pain of Herod because sin and evil acculumate without be deleted in them.

2. What happened to John the Baptist (21-29)

Herodias blamed John the Baptist because he indicated Herod's sin which taken her as his wife whereas she was the wife of his brother Philip. It was an act comparable to incest. John the Baptist urged Herod to repentence. Herod didn't repent but his conscience wasn't completely dead. So he listened to John Baptist with pleasure. He could reproach to Herod his adultery, like the case of David with Bath-Cheva. When Nathan reproached David, David repented. But the woman wanted to revenge, so he assumed the sin as hers. In addition he made a conspiracy with his daughter. His daughter in the age of innocence had to be surprised of the request of her mother, but it wasn't he case, she transmitted the order to Herod who was stuck. She certainly was already used to corruption of this time. Herod was an impulsive man, he indulged very quickly the charm of a young dancer and made a stupid oath what he couldn't revoke. A wicked person always loses his faculty of discernment and commit a stupid and irrevocable act. 

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