Monday, September 12, 2016


Monday, 12th, september, 2016

John 5:17-29

In spite of Jesus's warning, the invalid men sined. Jesus was in a big trouble. But Jesus wanted to help the religious who runed toward perdition.

1.      Passed from death to life

Jesus had the philosophy that he works continiously as long as the Father is working. There is a distinction between work of God the Father and work of God Son. Both are God, but each has a role to world's salvation. Both has power of resurrection ; the Father doen's judge but the Son judges. So the Son of God Jesus has an executive power to salvation. Verse 24 shows us how a man can be saved. First, he must hear God's word. Then he must believe God who sent his Son. So he will have eternal life and doesn't come into judgment. He has passed from death to life.

2.      The hearing of God's voce

Mankind had whether he likes it or not the occasion to hear Jesus's word. Even these who not wanted to hear God's word to the earth will hear a day his voce. Jesus will come like Judge, and he will make his voce ring to that all hear it. These who will be saved hear it like declaration of paradise passage. These who rejected God's message will hear the voce to open their life in the hell. So, it's important to hear his voce from now, and God promised to save the soul of these who hear and believe, set them free of the Last Jugdment.

Prayer : Lord, help me to work like Jesus made. Thank you to give me your word by Jesus, so that I may obey it and have eternal life.

Bottom line : Pass from death to life hearing God's word

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