Tuesday, September 20, 2016


September, Tuesday 20th 2016
John 7:1-19

Jesus refused to go up to the feast and then he went up. Jesus taught God's word. Jesus showed his identity and his work in the midst of opponents and the protesting people so that they repented and were saved.
  1. the unbelieving brother of Jesus (1-9)
Jesus' brothers wanted to glorify themselves through their very famous brother in the word. So they urged him to go to Jerusalem, because it was the feast of booths. Their time is always here. But Jesus said that his time has not yet come. These who leave for God's glory don't always have the time here. But Jesus said that it's now the time of harvest. Paul said that now is the most favourable time. It's permanently the mission time for God's servant. But for Jesus who must be crucified soon, the time has not yet come. Livingston said that God's servant will not die until he has accomplished the mission that God gave to him.
  1. My teaching comes from God (10-19)
Then, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. The opinion about Jesus was divided. Jesus entered into the temple and began teaching, which caused more oppositions because people knew where Jesus came from : Galilee, a distant and despised country (52). Jesus said that his teaching is not his but from God himself, which is recognizable if we wanted to do God's will. The opposition came because they sought their own will, as Jesus' brothers are an example.
Prayer : Lord, help me seek to do your will according to your plan and your time. So I will recognize that your word cames from God.
Bottom line : not for my glory, but for His glory

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