Tuesday, September 13, 2016


John 5:30-47

key verse: 31

The Jews did not listen to the word, nor believe the one whom God sent (compare verses 24 and 38). Jesus explains why they have no excuse in light of the proof given. What is this obvious proof that obliges all men to accept and believe in Jesus? The Lord Jesus mentions four types.

1) John: John was the forerunner of the Messiah. He was considered as the light and many people thought he was the Messiah. Jesus doesn't need the testimony of men; he says this so that they will be saved.

2) The works: Jesus performed many miracles, such as healing people with different illnesses. This shows that he's not an ordinary man, but rather one sent by God. 

3) God: God himself testified concerning Jesus; the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove over Jesus to show that he was the beloved Son of God. 

4) The word: Jesus is the word of God. Even if they searched night and day, the Jews could not receive the word of God, since they refused Jesus. Moses' words had no effect on them, though he did speak about Jesus. 

The problem with the Jews was that they searched for man's glory. This blinded them so that they couldn't listen to Jesus, and since they were disconnected from God, they were unable to receive his love in their hearts. But Jesus was different. He pursued the glory of God and his love, which was God's love, was overflowing. Many people felt this and were thus saved.

Prayer: Lord, help me to listen to your word and to believe in Jesus in order to attain eternal life and escape judgement.

Bottom line: Your proof is sufficient

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