Saturday, November 3, 2018

1Corinthians 7:1-24 (Daily Bread of 2/11/2018)
Key Verse 7: 9

Paul talks about the problem of marriage and virginity in this chapter. Marriage is a holy institution of God that must be treasured. Paul also talks about the status of the believer.

1. Marital life and celibacy (1-16)

In the Greek world, there were ascetics and zealots from the perspective of the flesh. The former thought that one’s desire should be oppressed, and the latter let their desires go. Paul said that since passion can turn into misconduct, it is better to get married (2,9) and he added that both of these schools of thought were false. However, Paul was not speaking of marriage as if it were an expedient or the second best. Marriage is a holy institution given by God, according to the purpose of creation. The spouses in the couple have a duty to each other. Marital sexual union is not incompatible with spiritual fullness. For those who adopt it, celibacy allows them to devote more time and zeal to God. Nevertheless, the most important thing is that whether or not we got married, everyone lives for the Lord. 

2. Remain in the state in which you are called? (17-24)

Paul's great principle is that everyone lives according to their calling (17,20,24). However, the church in Corinth flouted this and provoked the division between Jews and pagans through the problem of circumcision. Salvation does not come from racial or religious status, but comes from faith in Jesus Christ. The most important thing is that as children of God, everyone lives in obedience to God's commandments (19b) The fact that at the time someone was a slave did not affect their salvation, forgiveness by God and calling. He who has received the Christ’s calling, even if he is a slave, is a free being freed from his sins. On the other hand, someone who is a statutorily free person is a slave of Christ. Therefore, the believer must not let himself be bound by social status to make his decisions, but live according to God's will, keeping in mind the conception that he is a free man but a "slave" of Jesus. 

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