Saturday, November 10, 2018

1Corinthians 13:1-13 (Daily Bread of 9/11/2018)


Verse Key 13: 8

The greatest gift that is love is eternal. In this chapter of love, we can learn what spiritual love is and its eternal character.

1. Giving without love is useless (1-7)

Paul says that at the heart of the gifts is love. Paul says in 3 sentences at the beginning of the chapter, all gifts, however powerful, if they are deprived of love, they are worthless. Despite the abundant gifts found among Corinthian members, this church did not improve, but rather degenerated into disorder and confusion. The reason was because their lives and activities were not based on love. Love is so high, wide and great and deep that it is difficult to describe. But the love described by 15 verbs here is not something abstract or theoretical. Love is defined rather with these concrete words such as service, sacrifice or self-denial. The gift of the Spirit confers power on those who possess it through the practice of such love.

2. Love is eternal (8-13)

On the last day when all is accomplished, there will only be love left. As there will be no need for repentance or moral teaching, prophecy will be abolished and as everyone will communicate without language barriers, the gift of language will not be necessary, any more than knowledge. Just as the child undresses himself from his childishness to become an adult, just as we can see face to face whereas in the past we only saw through the mirror, so everything will become clear and we will come to understand all things. As faith and hope are fulfilled, they too will disappear, but love will not disappear. Faith is powerful to move the mountain, but it cannot save and grow a soul. Faith that acts with love is the true faith. The way to be one beyond differences is love. If everyone acts with perfect love, the church will prosper. Love is the greatest thing.

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