Thursday, October 25, 2018

QT - Isaiah 36: 1-22

Verse Key 36: 4
The famous painter Van Gogh says that if a voice in you says: you can't paint, paint, then the voice disappears. Today, the voice was not heard in itself, but came from the enemy. Listening to the wrong voice gives birth to the wrong inner voice, but the wisdom of the people mastered it.
1. What is this trust (1-10)
Senaherib marched against Judah and laid siege to Jerusalem. The enemy general Rabachah came to threaten Judah. He played the role of Satan, because he tempted the enemy by sowing doubt. He says what that trust was. He had a strategy to question Judah's trust in order to discourage him and lower his morale. Actually, what Rabach said had a correct part, because Judah had false confidence. There were three trusts, of which Rabchaqué spoke. First, it was Egypt. Faced with the threat of the enemy, Judah went to ask for his support. It was his habit. But Egypt, which was apparently a strong country, was only a puppet, a broken reed. He was opportunistic, and despite promises, at the crucial moment they did not keep them, and withdrew behind them. Second is their God. Often the trust in their God for Israel was false, for example in Samuel's time, in the battle against the Philistines, they brought the ark in thinking that it would give them victory. But it was a superstition and they were defeated. Then, thirdly, they depended on their miserable army force.    
2. Keep silent (11-22)

The delegation protested that Rabachah spoke in Judean, because this threat lowered the morale of the soldiers who stood on the wall of the holy city. But he didn't care and shouted louder in that language. His words were full of wickedness and cunning. When Satan's voice was heard, the best way to thwart it, and to keep silent, and thus the voice chokes and disappears. When Eve heard Satan's voice, she listened, which made her fall inexorably. Hezekiah was a wise king, so he ordered the people to keep quiet about the enemy's vociferous words. The people act as one body by obeying the king.

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