Thursday, October 25, 2018

QT - 1 Corinthians 1:22-31

key verse: 29


In this section, Paul contrasts the world's wisdom with God's wisdom. Perfect wisdom is found in the cross. It is strong enough to give us victory wherever we go, for the glory of God. 

1. The cross, the power of God (22-25)

The cross is powerful enough to save all men who believe in Jesus from the weight of sin. They have all been pierced by Satan's horn and die little by little. Yet Christ crucified, the horn of salvation, has visited them and delivered them. Now, Paul says that the cross is the power of God for those who are called. God used the folly of what we preach. The cross is a powerful tool for saving the world contrary to the wisdom of the world which blocks and cannot save the world. In appearance, the cross is weak and foolish, but this is not the case, as it has divine power to break through the invincible wall of unbelief and the wisdom of the world. This wall is destroyed by those who believe and preach the cross. 

2. No flesh will boast in the presence of God (26-31)

Paul reminds the Corinthians of God's work among them. They were mostly from the lower class. In the world's eyes, they were vile and without value. But God chose them to be part of a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. They were no longer ashamed before the world and rather convinced others with assurance that came from the Holy Spirit, so much so that the world was astounded. God's purpose for their change is not that they would be raised up in the world, but so that the wisdom of the world would be brought to nothing. The wise of the world would be ashamed before the divine wisdom of the cross preached by the Corinthians. Those who believed in God were precious to him and became wisdom, justice, sanctification and redemption. No flesh can boast before God, for all comes from him. If we can boast, it should be before him alone and for him alone. 

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